Wednesday Reading Meme

Jun 22, 2022 20:47

Still working on my old computer. Also, they released the ENTIRE THIRD SEASON OF THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY today! I am going to have to be soooooooo strict with my time. I've watched 2 episodes so far. There are no spoilers when I say that I love Klaus (of course) and Five. I love the way they handled Elliot's transition. :)

What I Just Finished Reading: Since last Wednesday I have read The Invasion by Peadar O'Guilin, Dry by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman, The Speed of Souls by Nick Pirog (all reviews previously posted) and The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis (review below).

What I'm Reading Now: I'm currently reading Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly. I just started it but I'm not loving it. Hoping it will get better.

What I'm Planning To Read Next: I'm almost done a few of my challenges so I want to work on them. I'll either go with a book for Q or Z on my ljbookbingo card or Sun on my Tarot card. I think. Who knows?

61. The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis

In the 1950’s, aspiring models, secretaries and career women lived at New York’s Barbizon Hotel for Women (at least until they landed a husband.) In 2016, reporter Rose Lewin discovers that several of these women are still living on the fourth floor of what is now a condominium complex, and is particularly intrigued by the story of Darby McLaughlin. The book alternates between 2016 and 1952 as Rose teases out the story of Darby’s life.

The Barbizon is practically a character of its own. And so is New York in the ‘50s. Darby becomes friends with a maid named Esme who introduces her to jazz in a seedy club populated by unscrupulous characters, and it all feels beautifully alive. Darby’s story is absorbing and kept me turning the pages. Unfortunately, Rose is so unethical that it borders on creepy, and I found myself actively disliking her as the story went on so it was harder to connect with her sections. There is a build-up for an explosive ending, but alas the final revelation in 1952 is muddled and confusing, and in 2016 everything winds up far too pat and tied with a neat little bow. Still, I gave this 4 stars because Darby’s story kept me interested.

Dates Read: June 19 to 21, 2022

4 out of 5 stars
300 pages

Goodreads Around The Year Challenge 11 - historical fiction
Four Moon Challenge 27 - featuring music
Goodreads Around The Year Summer Challenge - 4D: takes place in more than one era - 400 points
Lost Challenge Read The Quote 2022 - “L” - Lady


reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, author: f, tv: the umbrella academy, reading challenge: goodreads, wednesday reading meme

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