Let's Get Healthy Check-In -- Week 9

Apr 01, 2022 11:28

We started this journey on February 1st and it's now April 1st... the time has flown by!

I had a fantastic week. I did three walks for a total of 10.8kms, and I moved into the next phase of my stationary cycling goal, which is 30 minutes 3x a week. I went over my 1000 calorie goal 3 times (eek) but the walking made up for it, because I lost 4 lbs this week! I have also been taking my measurements at the start of every month. It's difficult because I'm never 100% sure I'm measuring in the exact same place! And I have no idea what kind of numbers are realistic for inches lost. But I am showing that I'm down everywhere. I am definitely smaller in my hips/gut/waist area because my tops that used to sort of cling in that area are now hanging loosely!

In regards to food, I think the only new thing I added was veggie bacon strips, which are quite good and taste like turkey bacon. On my goal list for next shopping day is veggie ground round (mince beef). I also have veggie bologna in my freezer. I need to finish the regular deli meat that I have open before I try it.

How is everyone doing?

lets get healthy: check in, lets get healthy: food

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