A really tiny ficlet

Mar 03, 2022 21:14

So, over at DW I joined a writing community called writetomyheart. It's a round-robin-ish challenge where you have to use all or part of the last sentence in the fic that was written before you to start the fic that you write. Other than that, the fics are not connected. Any fandom or original writing is allowed.

There's a version of the comm here on LJ too, but I'm not sure how a person using only LJ would see the fic before them if it was only posted on DW, for example. So, I am just sticking to DW. There's also a discord for the comm. So, if anyone is interested, you can check out their rules here and you can sign up on DW here.

Anyway, here is the little ficlet that I just wrote when my turn came up.

Live Free or Die Hard, John/Matt.
386 words.

By Severina

"Maybe childhood memories will help," Matt finally suggested, when John had dragged him through the entire store and still hadn't picked up a single thing for Emily's birthday present. He held a 3-pack of dinky cars aloft, because fuck gender stereotyping. "Oh, wait. Had the wheel been invented yet when you were a wee tot?"

"That one never gets old, kid," John said.

Matt tossed the toy cars back into the bin and leaned into John instead, watching as he manipulated an Etch-A-Sketch into a reasonable facsimile of a police car. "Now that's a blast from the past," he said. He looked around the store. "Is there a time machine in here? I think they stopped making those in 1982."

"You gonna mouth off all damn day?"

"That is what I do," Matt pointed out. "And besides, your granddaughter is two. She can barely hold a sippy cup, never mind draw on that monstrosity from the great beyond."

"Our granddaughter."

Matt opened his mouth, closed it again. He could make some snarky comment about the difference in their ages, point out that John was the old man. Like he just said, it's kind of what he does. It's what he just did, what with the whole wheel invention, ha-ha, John's a caveman. But they've been together now for seven years. They've gone through meeting the in-laws (his parents) and the ex-wife (John's). They've dealt with the cancer scare (his) and selling the house (John's) and the hospitalizations (both) because once you've been a supercop's sidekick, it's hard to just sit on the sidelines the next time a megalomaniacal evil genius tries to take down the greatest city in the world (not Camden.)

And they shared the duties getting Lucy to doctor's appointments and ultrasounds, and Matt was the third person to hold little Emily, right after her mother and John. So. Yeah.

"We could pick up the Etch-A-Sketch now and save it for when she'd older," he said.

"I saw a whole Hot Wheels garage about three aisles over," John answered.

"If we get her the Princess castle, Ken and Barbie could set up shop right next to the garage. Easy access for when the convertible break down," Matt suggested.

"I like your logic."

"You always do," Matt said. "Come on. Let's go spoil our granddaughter."


comm: writetomyheart, fanfic: live free or die hard

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