Happy Day After Boxing Day!

Dec 27, 2021 15:12

I have an unexpectedly free day today.

My plans: Get up early-ish. Eat turkey sandwich. Work for a few hours. Turn on the Zoom event for HEEFS Cowpie Bingo (scheduled from 2pm to 4pm, because who knows who it'll take a cow to poop.) Work a few more hours. Something fun in the evening, like reading or a puzzle.

Actual day, as far as 2:40pm: Get up early-ish. Eat turkey sandwich. Log into work site and see that there are a total of 4 files available. Okay, so apparently I'm not working today. Play around online looking for habit tracking graphic ideas for my January 2022 not-really-a-bullet-journal. Work on my journal. Turn on the Zoom event for Cowpie Bingo. SIR DENVER POOPS AFTER 11 MINUTES. He does not poop on my square. Oh hey, I know, I should update my LJ!

Ah well. Hopefully this means I can finish my January journal pages today.

I've been binge-ing on movies lately. Loved Eurovision Song Contest, Blinded by the Light, and Don't Look Up. Hated Thunder Force and Everyone's Talking About Jamie. Patient Zero was okay, but I think that was mostly because everyone in it (Matt Smith, Clive Standen, Natalie Dormer) is ridiculously attractive. I rewatched the LotR trilogy because haldoor was talking about it. *heart clench for Boromir* *drool napkin for Aragorn, Legolas, all the elves but especially that one that goes to help in the fight at Helms Deep, Boromir, Faramir, random Rohirrim, et cetera, et cetera* I rewatched Last of the Mohicans because it had been too long and I WILL NEVER NOT LOVE EVERY BIT OF THAT MOVIE. Also watched the usual Christmas movies (Die Hard and Elf) and PETER RABBIT 2 is now out for free streaming eeeeeeee! It was not as good as the first one, but they never are. It was still adorable and made me laugh out loud within the first 4 minutes, so yay! (It was the pig. I love that pig.)

So I got totally spoiled.

This is just part of my haul! In puzzle-related stuff I got 7 puzzles, puzzle adhesive backing stuff, and a puzzle mat. Also in that pic is a desk calendar, snowmen soap and lotion, and homemade peanut butter cookies (mmmmm!) I also got PJ bottoms, shower gel and lotion, a chocolate "V", butter tarts, an Amazon gift card, and my sister made me meatloaf and then froze it and gave it to me so I just have to thaw it and I can have her meatloaf *at home*. My sister seriously makes the best meatloaf ever so this is a huge freaking deal. LOVE that she was so creative. Two of the puzzles are Esther puzzles!

This is what Krystle gave me! It's massive and awesome and so detailed. It covers allll the movies. I'm so excited to dive into it!

This was the Year of Tears for my family.

Here's Krystle bawling because her brother bought her some kind of Samsung fitbit type thing. Normally we do not spend that much so she was shocked.

Here's my sister Margie crying as she's trying to open the calendar that Krystle got her that is filled with pictures of our family.

Here's my BIL Dan doing the not-going-to-cry face over Robbie's gift of that Montreal Canadiens jersey. Again, we do not normally go wild on the expensive pressies like that.

Here is Robbie. Sort of. He did not cry. We called this his retro Christmas because he got all kinds of collectibles for his 'man cave'. He literally has so much stuff he has multiple shelves on multiple walls and needs to get more. This, for anyone who wouldn't know (me) is a Power Rangers helmet. He also got Chucky cereal.

Also, yesterday ended
Week 23 - December 19 to 25, 2021

In Progress

12. Watch 5 new-to-me series (2/5)
* Completed all seasons of Build a New Life in the Country. I would have loved for them to return ten years later (I looked - they never did) to see how these crazy people are getting on, especially the ones that thought they were going to make a living by converting their 300-year-old barn into a B&B/'holiday let"/tea room/boutique hotel/restaurant/campsite. I bet fully half of them ending up back in the city living with their parents.

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (130,000/500,000)
* Donated 10,000 grains of rice this week. The website people got the problem fixed so my totals are showing up again. I did start a second account to see if I would have the same problem, so now my total is spread over two accounts (125K at one and 5K at the other.) It's good that I reported it, though, because apparently it was happening to lots of people.


06. Post one 5-star book per month on ATY's best book of month thread in 2021. (12/12)
* December' s book was The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett

75. Write to Seniors
I wrote 8 personalized letters to the other group that I found online.

Hope everyone is well. :)

movie: thunder force, movie: eurovision song contest, work, movie: elf, movie: don't look up, movie: patient zero, movie: blinded by the light, heefs, tv: build a new life in the country, movie: lotr, christmas 2021, movie: last of the mohicans, movie: die hard, movie: everyone's talking about jamie, krystle, movie: peter rabbit, family, 101 things in 1001 days

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