Already week 10. Where is the time going? I did better this week.
Week 10 - September 12 to September 18, 2021
In Progress
12. Watch 5 new series
* I found some seasons of Survivor Australia online so, even though it's not the full series, I am still counting it as one of my new series. There are three seasons online (6, 7 and 8) and for some reason I started with season 7, which is now complete. Working on Season 6 now. If I happen to find somewhere else where I can watch the earlier seasons, I'll add them to my tally.
26. Work on something creative monthly
* I had maybe 75 or so pieces left of my 1000 piece puzzle and had to give up.
So I found something more my speed, picture-wise, and have started a 750-piece puzzle now.
38. Get Ontario Photo Card
* Took forever waiting in line, but application is now in. Photo Card itself should arrive in 2 to 4 weeks.
56. Set up book journal each year
* Made more progress from last week. Made a checklist and have started setting up 2022's tracking sheets.
90. Walk 2x/week for 2 years (non-consecutive)
* 09-13-21 - walked from home to Service Ontario center to Sobeys to home (1.1km, but I was standing for 2 hours and 25 mins due to the one-person-inside-at-a-time rule at Service Ontario)
* 09-15-21 - walked from Shoppers to Sobeys to home (1.1 km)
92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at (73,000/500,000)
* Donated 3,000 grains of rice this week
57. Figure out organizational plan for "want to read" / "library" / "fits a prompt" books