For the last two days I have done nothing but do my jigsaw puzzle, read, and watch Survivor Australia (which I found on the same channel online that hosts The Block AU and The Block NZ. Which, yay.) Of course, I ended up giving up on the 1000 freakin' piece jigsaw puzzle with about 60 or 70 pieces left. Why? Because all that was left was blue ocean. And multiple pieces would fit into multiple spots. And then about 3/4 of the ocean was done and none of the remaining pieces would fit in the remaining spots, meaning some of those pieces already placed were wrong. And no matter how many times I tried to adjust nothing fit arrrrgh ugh *rips out hair throws puzzles across room*
The new one that just go delivered has a cat sleeping amongst a bookcase filled with books with adorable names. I may even frame this one if it turns out. *crosses fingers*
Not much on the
Week 9 - September 05 to September 11, 2021
In Progress
11. Finish TV Series already started (6/9)
* completed the first season of Preacher (4/4)
56. Set up book journal each year
* Started looking through bujo things online to get ideas for different tracking features or way to track things. Made a list and have started to put some things in order. The actual journal itself hasn't been cracked open yet, though.
92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at (70,000/500,000)
* Donated 3,000 grains of rice this week
Finished another book early this morning.
67. Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
After a near accident shakes her up, chronically ill Chloe makes a To-Do list to "get a life" by challenging herself after years of being 'safe'.
I wanted to love this book. Unfortunately, I didn't like Chloe very much, and I felt this was pretty much your typical modern day love story, with the only twist being Chloe's illness. Chloe's edges were too sharp, her love interest Red was too good, and there were the usual misheard conversations and misunderstandings (including the obligatory walk out the door.) Every character in the book was there to support Chloe's story. A potentially fun new friend named Annie was shoehorned in to a scene and then almost forgotten. And lastly, I felt that the sex scenes were too graphic. I enjoy a little erotica with the rest of 'em, but the tone of those scenes just didn't match the rest of the book.
3/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 34 - on BLM reading list **
LJ Hallowe'en Book Bingo 01 - set in the fall
384 pages
** I really, really, REALLY didn't want to read some kind of heavy treatise on racism. I finally found this book on a library book list (in Iowa, I think) labelled "Black Lives Matter - Romance". Works for me!
Books Read: 67/85
Popsugar Challenge: 42/50
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 03/09
Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12
Total Page Count: 20710 pages