Reading all the things

Aug 16, 2021 11:51

I'll post a family and My Day update later or tomorrow. Right now, here's two more books.

58. The Zombie Apocalypse Omnibus by Jason Brandon

If this is the omnibus, I can only surmise previous "books" encompassed a single chapter of this slim by-the-numbers story. It's littered with cardboard characters and implausible scenarios that rush from one attempt-to-be-gruesome scene to the next. Kept reading because it was so short that I finished it in one sitting.

1/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 25 - title starts with Q, X, or Z
137 pages

59. Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern

The author relates a series of vignettes about his brash but loving father in this quick little read. I snort-laughed a few times at some of the anecdotes, but at the same time Dad felt like the standard brusque dad from a laugh-track-filled sitcom. A lot of the stories are the kind that you might snicker at because you know they're not real. But if you find out they are real, then potentially you may worry about what damage that parent is doing to his kid's self-esteem.

3/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 24 - by a blogger/vlogger/online personality
176 pages

Books Read: 59/85
Popsugar Challenge: 34/50

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 17999 pages


reading challenge: popsugar, author: j

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