Book and The Story Graph

Jul 14, 2021 11:12

At secretsolitaire's recommendation, I checked out The Story Graph the other day. It must be owned/affiliated with Amazon because exporting my Goodreads stuff was a breeze. I haven't played around much with it so far, but it has so far characterized me thusly:

"Mainly reads fiction books that are adventurous, dark, and mysterious.
Typically chooses medium-paced books that are 300-499 pages long."

I would say that's pretty accurate! I need to fill out a survey there and then it will give me some recs as well. I'm eager to see what the algorithm recommends for me. :)

Another book down.

50. Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

This lackluster sequel proves two things. One, you should never attempt to continue a story that has already come to its natural conclusion; and two, continuing the hero's journey rarely works. There are exceptions to both rules, but this novel is not one of them. Character assassination abounds, the quest is a snap for our heroes, and this time around most of the pop culture references and set-pieces are just too silly. AND now I have Raspberry Beret stuck in my head! The ending is written as though it's hopeful but it's just sad and depressing.

2/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 46 - book you meant to read last year but didn't
LJ Book Bingo Summer 08 - with terrible reviews
384 pages

Books Read: 50/85

Goodreads Challenge: 47/52
Popsugar Challenge: 28/50
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 5/9

LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 15028 pages


author: e, reading challenge: popsugar, reading challenge: book bingo, the story graph

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