I think I did quite well last month with keeping on top of almost all of my goals, and I think the new way that I'm tracking everything has helped (gotta love my not-really-a-bullet-journal) but it's always nice to have a nice fresh start. Today started out with an extra hour of sleep, which is the ONLY reason to enjoy the time change switcheroo, and then a bunch of housecleaning.
Things then went downhill when I discovered a giant pool of water on my bathroom floor. This leak issue has been ongoing for MONTHS now. Well, technically it's been going on for years if you go back to when I first noticed the discoloration on my ceiling and told Amy about it.
But for the last few months it's been:
* get someone in to look at roof
* put giant hole in wall/ceiling to look for inside leak (pipe); do not find one
* leave giant hole in wall/ceiling for several weeks
* patch where they think hole is on the roof
* re-plaster ceiling/wall in bathroom
* next rainstorm brings back the discoloration, and -- this is the important part -- I tell Amy that leak has returned because I can hear the drips on the ceiling/behind the wall when it rains.
* Get another roofer to look at roof and give estimate for repair
* complain that estimate is too high
* Another important part: re-cut the hole in the ceiling in the bathroom.
THIS PART. I MEAN. I QUESTIONED why they were doing this. Amy said, "not that we don't believe you," (narrator: they didn't believe her.) but they wanted to see where the leak was coming from on the roof (how opening an inside hole would do that, I do not know) and to see how wet it was getting (again.) I tried to make the point that it really didn't matter because A. they are going to have to repair that whole section of roof anyway, and B. any water is bad. And also C. IF THEY CUT A HOLE IN MY ROOF AND IT RAINS, THE WATER WILL COME INTO MY BATHROOM.
As John McClane would say, "Jeeeeeeezus."
So yes, last night it rained. Thus, me waking up to a pool next to my toilet. (Oh, that's the other fab part. The hole is directly above the toilet. OY.) So now we're not sure what to do. The initial thought was to tape up some heavy-ish plastic over the hole, but there's enough water that we feel it would essentially just fill up the plastic enough to pull at the tape and then splash down in one giant disgusting water balloon. So, I am now taking a break for deliberations, Amy is talking to her hubby and the guy who put the hole in the ceiling, and we will reconvene in a few. GAH.
Soooo... in between dealing with THAT today, I am going to get the remainder of my 'daily habits' done, write up a review because OMG I FINISHED ANOTHER BOOK, and tonight there are word wars over at
1_million_words so I can leave my writing goal 'til evening.
Oh, and maybe I'll watch another episode of the OTHER binge-worthy show I'm watching, The Block. I used to watch it waaaaaaay back in the day. I think I watched 3 seasons, and then they stopped airing it here. I just assumed it had been cancelled. But nope, there are currently 16(!!!) seasons and I found a site that has some of them available to watch for free. The first one that I could find that would let me watch is Season 8, so that's where I've started. But... the kicker... THERE ARE 51 EPISODES IN THE SEASON. Whaaaat? Is that all you Australians do, just watch The Block year round??? (Not that there's anything wrong with that. LOL)
All right. I am off to accomplish more things, and find out what's happening with the roof. Wish me luck!