lands_of_magic challenge 304 - "Blind Date"

Feb 12, 2015 10:18

In this challenge we had to set up five Once Upon A Time characters on dates with five different characters from other TV shows. It was surprisingly fun trying to see who would match up.

01. Emma Swan and Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
150 words

The little town wasn't even on the map, seemingly untouched by the herds of walkers that roamed outside its borders. But he soon discovered that Storybrooke was plagued by another type of evil. He still woke up shuddering at night over those flying monkeys.

He never thought he'd take up the badge again, but the Sherriff did need a deputy.

Never thought he'd love again either, but…

"Rick?" Emma said. She wrinkled her nose. "You're regretting this, aren't you?"

Rick jerked his attention back to his dining partner. He'd seen Emma facing down all manner of monstrosities, her gaze steely and her fingers flickering with light magic, and hadn't batted an eye. But seeing her in a pretty lace dress nearly undid him.

He shook his head, reached across the table to take her hand. "Never," he said. "And tell Henry I owe him the video game of his choice."

02. Mulan and Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
100 words

Willow twirled her wine glass nervously. "So I'm used to all the vampire stuff, obviously," she finished. "Zombies, assorted ghoulies. But fairy tale characters come to life? That's sort of off the charts, you know?

Mulan lifted her shoulder. "I'm just a woman."

"Sure, a really hot woman who I only fantasized about in cartoon form during practically all of my formative years," Willow said. She blinked. "Um, was that out loud?"

Mulan blushed, smiling. "It was."

"Okay. Thought so," Willow said. She pushed her glass away decisively. "So I'm going to kiss you now."

Mulan's smile only got wider.

03. Robin Hood and Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
100 words.

Robin was lining up his shot on the grass target when an arrow flew over his shoulder and pierced the centre circle. He whirled toward the interloper, but only had a moment to register a flash of dark clothing before his body was borne to the ground, his legs tangled and his bow flung outward, unreachable.

"Gotta be faster than that, Forest Boy," Faith said, grinning down at him.

He could hear his men chortling behind him, struggled to raise his head. "This is my date?" he squeaked out.

"Gotta admit, she's your type of woman," Little John called out.

04. Killian Jones and Dr. Gloria Nathan (Oz)
100 words

"You've got to stop letting them get to you," Gloria said as she studied his face critically. "This is your third visit to the clinic this week."

"Ah well, I've a confession to make, love," Killian said. "I may have avoided sidestepping Scarlet's fumbling attack just so I could come see you." He edged closer and lowered his voice. "I hear you've got a thing for bad boys."

Gloria shook her head. "So this was all a set up between you and Will?"

"A man does what he must," Killian said. He touched his swollen lip imploringly. "Kiss it better?"

05. Ruby Lucas and Tobias Beecher (Oz)
100 words.

He's more tentative that usual on their date, but Ruby makes up for his lack of confidence. She takes his hand and leads him to the duck pond, points out the statue on the common, and gets him to open up over her Grandmother's lasagna and Caesar salad. By dessert the weight has lifted from his chest.

She's clearing up the picnic and laughing at something he's said when he finally leans in close.

"I'm a wolf, you know," Ruby says, pulling back before their lips meet.

Toby shrugs. "So was my last boyfriend," he says. "I'm used to it."


fanfic: other, fanfic: the walking dead, fanfic: crossover, fanfic: once upon a time, comm: lands_of_magic, fanfic: oz

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