tv_universe challenge 411 - TV Fandom Favourites

May 02, 2014 10:12

Challenge 411 at tv_universe was to pick our TV favourites in the categories of fandom, character, OTP, villain, and episode. This was much easier than expected. Little blurbs and sigtags behind the cut. :)

01. Favourite Fandom -- At first I was stymied -- how could I choose? But then the lightbulb went on and I realized this was asking for favourite fandom... and the best fandom doesn't always come from the best show. My choice could only ever be Queer as Folk! The years that I spent in the QaF fandom were pretty damn awesome. I referred to my LJ as my "comfy corner" of fandom -- there was so much respect among my flistmates. I discussed episodes in intricate detail with fellow fans, some of whom became good friends. I traveled to see the actors in plays, meeting up with fellow fanatics along the way. I have so many good memories from those years -- Gapfillerpalooza, Blogathons, Pride weekends, writing soooo much fic. Even the wank -- the oh so amusing wank. QaF fandom was the best. :)

02. Favourite Character -- Ohh, no question here. Daryl Dixon for the win. My favourite Walking Dead character was briefly Glenn, who I loved from his first voiceover in the tank in the first episode. But as soon as Daryl arrived in Episode 3, he instantly shot into the top spot. Norman Reedus took what could have been a very one-dimensional character and infused him with so much subtle nuance with the physical choices and line deliveries he gave. I have been transfixed watching every steps of Daryl's journey.

03. Favourite OTP -- Much as I love Brian/Justin, I just had to give this one to Daryl and Glenn. They had soooo much chemistry in the first season. Daryl was written as a hothead back then, and Glenn was the ONLY one he listened to and whose words he took to heart. He flung himself at a fence screaming Glenn's name and risking being attacked by walkers when Glenn got kidnapped. He gave up the hunt for HIS BROTHER to rescue Glenn. Plus they hit all my "kinks" - age difference, experience vs. "innocence", gruff vs. smartassy. I still haven't tired of writing about them, four years later. Daryl/Glenn all the way.

04. Favourite Villain -- There have been some dastardly men on my favourite shows, but the first one that came to mind was Vern Schillinger of Oz. A murdering white supremacist who gets off on raping and humiliating the 'prags', who arranges the kidnapping and murder of a child, who makes Toby's life a living hell. Yeah, they don't get worse than Vern.

05. Favourite Episode -- I actually didn't have to think long before I picked The Walking Dead's "Still". This episode featured only two actors, and was truly a tour de force for them. This was character development at it's finest -- with Beth realizing anew that she wants to LIVE, not just survive, and knowing that a 'quest' is the only thing that will get a morose and silent Daryl moving again. And Daryl struggling with his guilt and anger and finding hope through her, and both of them opening up to each other in a way that they never have before. They comforted each other, reassured each other, accepted one another, and came to a place where they both had a future -- maybe together. Both actors KILLED it -- and killed me with glee in the process.


comm: tv_universe, graphics

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