I started doing this every three months as a way of being accountable for my goals. I'm... not sure it's particularly working, since I seem to have a mix of successes and failures. But I guess I'll keep it up regardless (unless Snick -- my unofficial Project Manager -- has a better idea.)
So here's my End of 2013 State of Me.
I already talked about alllll my writing
here, and that's where I had the most success. I made every one of my writing goals for 2013! (And I'll be writing my cheque to Casey House for the participation in
drabylon's Charity Challenge this week. :) I was particularly successful doing Mini-Wrimo in 2013, less so with CampWrimo in July.
My goals for 2014 are similar -- write lots (my goal is 200K) and post lots, join challenges, don't-be-grumpy. So far in January I've been struggling, but my short-term goals right now are to complete a few short ficlets for
tv_universe, work on a couple of stories for
smallfandomfest and
sexy_right, and get a start on my
smallfandombang story.
On the health front, I spent the last few months of 2013 very consciously deciding to eat alllll the things. I'd mentioned before how I just can't seem to stay motivated, and this sort of culminated in a decision to not.even.try. As a result, I've gained back about half of what I lost. Now I have a bigger hill to climb for 2014. *sigh*
I watched 38 new-to-me movies as part of my 50 Movies goal. Since the point of this is just to get me to watch the damn things, I'm happy-ish with that number. Still going ahead with this goal in 2014. THIS WILL BE THE YEAR I SUCCEED.
I was successful in taking a Photo a Day in 2013. Woot! Not doing this one again this year, though.
In regard to social media, I'm still active on twitter but much less so on tumblr. There's just not enough time to goof around on tumblr or to make screencaps and stuff like that. I do keep up with a few people who post a lot of text-posts. I've also fallen behind on keeping up on replies and comments here on LJ -- again, time is a big factor.
Hmm. I really need to figure out how to work on time management. Snick?
One of the things I said I was going to do in 2013 was keep a "happy memories" jar. The idea is to write down the good/positive/happy-making things that happen to you all year and put them in a jar. At the end of the year you can read through them and relive all the good things that happened in your life.
As you can see, I didn't really have THAT many moments written down -- certainly not as many as I experienced! I also learned through doing this that I need to be more specific and definitely more wordy about my memories. I really love the idea of it and think that 2014's will be more successful. I even went out and bought brightly coloured post-its so my jar will look pretty!
Aaaaand I think that's it for the State of Me. A little bit good, a little bit not-so-good for the year. Hopefully when I check back in at the 3-month point of 2014 I'll have only good news to report!