5 More Queer as Folk Drabbles

Dec 27, 2013 21:48

Drabbles 06-10 for drabylon's Gusmas challenge. Photo prompts below the cuts.

Fic #06 - The Fight
Post Season Five.

Written for this Photo Prompt (Prompt #01):

The Fight
By Severina

They had a fight. They always fucking fight. It's what they do. They fight, and then they make up. In spectacular fashion.

Brian leans back on the pillow, takes another long, slow drag. He refuses to look at the clock. Refuses to admit that it's been hours, that Justin isn't answering his cell, that maybe this was the one fight that tipped Justin over the edge. That maybe Justin's had enough of him being a selfish, immature prick and the kid really isn't coming back.

Brian shakes his head. Closes his eyes.

Justin will be home. It's his goddamn birthday.

Fic #07 - The Real Thing
Season Four.

Written for this Photo Prompt (Prompt #04):

The Real Thing
By Severina

Justin waits patiently. Most of his time in Hollywood has been spent waiting - for approvals, rewrites, budget analyses. Now he waits while Brett and Connor regale each other with tales of their latest conquests. Connor sees him watching, drops him a mischievous wink.

Justin smiles weakly back, reaches down to gather up his sketches of Rage. Knows the smile is stretching into something real, pure.

It's not that Connor wasn't a perfectly capable lover. He was certainly satisfactory. But Justin's had the real thing, and no-one compares to Brian Kinney.

He may have to arrange a quick trip home. Soon.

Fic #08 - It's Love
Season Three.

Written for this Photo Prompt (Prompt #05):

It's Love
By Severina

Michael hears the noises, slides the door partially open anyway. He's worried. He has to make sure Brian's all right.

His first thought is the fiddler must be toast. His second is they are perfect together.

It's not the way they move, the way they fit. It's the slow, lazy smiles. It's the way Brian looks at Justin, like he's the only person that matters.

Michael flips open his phone when he reaches the street, hits the speed dial.

"Hey. Thought you were spending time with Brian."

"I'm coming home," Michael says. "And Ben? I love you. More than anything."

Fic #09 - Roses
Post Season Five.

Written for this Photo Prompt (prompt #12):

By Severina

"We've been through this," Justin says, coming up behind him, wrapping strong arms around his waist.

"Uh huh."

"I don't need flowers or chocolates to know that you love me, Brian."

Brian turns in his arms. "Good to know, princess," he says dryly, "because these are for Deb."


Brian rolls his eyes at the disappointed look that Justin quickly tries to mask, turns his back and nods at the clerk toward the second bouquet.

"But I don't-"

"Shut up, sunshine."

Justin smiles all the way home. And Brian plans on receiving a superlative blowjob after Debbie's birthday dinner.

Fic #10 - The End
Post Season Five.

Written for this Photo Prompt (prompt #16):

The End
By Severina

He makes it through the funeral, hugs people he doesn't know and gives his condolences at the wake. When he gets home he immediately slips out of his suit, hangs it carefully in the closet. He throws on T-shirt and jeans, turns on the TV, flips through a magazine, stares into the fridge but doesn't eat.

It's only when Brian gets home, asks "how did it go?" that he breaks down and cries.

He only knew Ethan for a short time and he never truly loved him and it ended badly, but no one deserves to waste away like that.


fanfic: queer as folk

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