Photo a Day -- Second Week of December

Dec 15, 2013 03:38

Okay, full disclosure. ;) I didn't ACTUALLY take a photo every day this week. I started out fine, but then temps dropped to minus 8 billion and holding a camera was not an option outside, and work was too busy to be dicking around with cameras inside, and it was a crazy week and and and. So.... the last four of these were all taken on Saturday. I think it still counts. *nods*

December 08, 2013 - Prompt: I shop here

It's like a beacon in the darkness. Urging me in to buy alllll the cat food...


December 09, 2013 - Prompt: This is the weather today

A light dusting of snow on the way home from work.

So I was walking home, and it started to feel like I had a big rock in my boot. I stopped to scrape off the snow from the bottom and continued on... but it started again. Worse. It really HURT. So I stop to LOOK at the bottom of the boot. And that's when I discovered that my old, crappy, lived-in and much-loved boots HAD A GIANT HOLE IN THE BOTTOM. The snow was actually going up into the hole and forming a big rock-like ice formation. UGH. So I had to go out and buy new boots. (The new boots are fab.)


December 10, 2013 - Prompt: R is for...

(w)reath. Yup. Totally works. *dusts hands*

One of my dispatchers had this made. Blue and white are our company colours, and there are little taxi cabs painted in our colours on the wreath itself. I took a close-up so you can see.


December 11, 2013 - Prompt: green

Amy gave me an early Christmas present so I could hang it on my Tiny Tree o' Joy. I love her.


December 12, 2013 - Prompt: Joy is...

Saturday morning, beginning of the snowstorm. I stood on my balcony in PJ's and a sweater, getting windblown and covered in snow to take some shots. Then I came inside and laughed because I didn't have to go out in that weather. I gathered up all the Christmas presents I'd bought, put Die Hard on the TV... and then discovered I had no wrapping paper.

Yup. Out into the snow I went. LOL

It's literally been snowing ALL day. It's lovely watching it come down. I heard from the people I work with, though -- who tell me there's about a foot of snow on the ground right now -- and it's not a lovely day to be working in taxi dispatch. One hour wait minimum, always 10+ calls in the queue. It was a tear-your-hair-out kind of work day. Glad I got to spend it with John McClane instead.


December 13, 2013 - Prompt: composition

The results of my labours.


December 14, 2013 - Prompt: drink

Dregs of the rye and coke. Hmm. I think I need more right now.

Okay, now I need to stop being so slackass and write. Yes. Write alllll the things.

But first... laundry.

winter, photoaday2013, work, christmas 2013

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