Photo a Day -- First Week of December

Dec 08, 2013 01:05

December 01, 2013 - Prompt: red

Cassie near-napping on her bed.


December 02, 2013 - Prompt: where I stood

This is the stupidest prompt. Battered boots n laces.


December 03, 2013 - Prompt: silver

Ornament and beads on the Tiny Christmas Tree o' Joy.


December 04, 2013 - Prompt: tiny

Little penguin.


December 05, 2013 - Prompt: in the cupboard

I admit it. I bought these... cookies? wafers? crackers?... simply because I wanted that adorable tin!


December 06, 2013 - Prompt: shadow

So the only way I can take a "shadow" photo is to turn off the flash on the camera on the cell phone, which was charging, and I didn't want to wait, and... here, have a cat.


December 07, 2013 - Prompt: 6 o'clock

Whoa, excellent timing. Caught her in a yawn. Yup, 6am comes mighty early, Cass.


photoaday2013, cassie, christmas 2013

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