November 04, 2013 - Prompt: table
November 05, 2013 - Prompt: I collect...
Magnets, I suppose. They are the souvenir I try to buy whenever I go anywhere.
November 06, 2013 - Prompt: music
I took 6758474 photos of this ipod. None of them turned out. Finally I just threw up my hands.
November 07, 2013 - Prompt: yes!
Um. So remember that whole eating healthy, get back on the bike, restart the goals thing. Yeah, not so much.
November 08, 2013 - Prompt: someone I miss...
Photo of a photo. This is my mom, circa 1948, before she married my dad. She's about 20 here. Still miss her every single day.
November 09, 2013 - Prompt: mine
Though honestly, it's more like I'm HERS.