Jul 12, 2013 04:36

It's technically Friday, which means I'm officially on vacation, wheeeee!! Ten glorious days off from work. I've been looking forward to this for SO long. Got plans to hang with Snick in TO; go see Oliver the Massive Pig with Amy; do some reading and some scrapbooking and some movie-watching and some writing. TEN DAYS TO DO WHATEVER I WANT. *dances around the room*

Meanwhile over at sexy_right, we've started a new challenge called "Notable Quotables". We're looking for your five favourite movie or television quotes (they'll be used as prompts -- thanks to tv_universe for the idea)... so if you want to help, head on over to the Notable Quotables page and leave us your five favourite (Non Die Hard) quotes!

*dances off*

vacation, comm: sexy_right

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