HAPPY CANADA DAY! Hope all my fellow Canucks are enjoying the day, chowing down on our traditional dishes of moose pie and penguin stew, and managing to get to wherever you're going on your dogsled. Have a great one!
Well, we're officially half-way through the year, so it's time for another Me Roundup.
On the Health front, it's the same old, same old. I'm pretty much hanging steady within 5 lbs of my old weight loss. It's very frustrating, because I will work my ass off and watch my calorie count and lose a few more pounds, but then I seem to immediately gain them back. *sigh* I'm still trying, it's just difficult when it feels like there's nothing to show for it. I'm still on the blood pressure meds, but I'm on the lowest possible dose one can take, so I'm okay with that for now.
Writing, on the other hand, is going extremely well. I set a series of goals at the beginning of the year and I'm on track for all of them. I've written 71,978 words this year already -- at this point I should be at 75,000. So close! -- and I've posted 93% of those. That's pretty awesome. I'm also ahead on the number of writing days I want to get in. So everything is going smoothly there, and there's been no I'm-not-being-creative-so-now-I'm-irritable grumpiness. YAY ME. I'm also still having fun playing in the landcomm, making some graphics and icons and just playing around, and I'm looking forward to
Camp Wrimo, which starts today!
I'm exactly on track for my Watch 50 New-to-Me Movies Goal, having watched 25 so far this year. And I've taken a photo a day every day since January 1st!
I also wanted to continue to connect with my flist, because I truly believe that any social platform is what we all make of it. I think I've done very well in this regard. I read and comment on my flist regularly, though my comments have fallen off a bit in the last 6 weeks or so. This is because of a combination of being busy and being under stress, neither of which are conducive to chattiness. Hopefully some of my issues will be resolved soon.
And I'm still enjoying my forays into other social media. I don't post much on tumblr -- making screencaps is fun but too time-consuming right now -- but I'm enjoying twitter more and more. People tend to hear 'twitter' and think it's all random people posting boring things about their lives or celebrity tweets, and there IS that aspect (hell, I love that Reedus tweets info about his day and pics of his cat, no lie. I'm almost as big a fan of Eye in the Dark as I am of Reedus himself. Heh.) But over the past few months there have been some pretty amazing experiences on twitter, too. I followed the shoot-out and chase of the alleged Boston Marathon bomber at work one night on twitter, reading real-time posts by people who were there and listening to the police radio. I knew things that were happening there before the regular news networks did, sometimes before the POLICE did. It was fascinating and addictive and kind of crazy. The same thing happened recently with Senator Wendy Davis's filibuster in Texas -- when the 'cam in the Senate went down, a spectator did a live-feed on his cell phone while I followed the reactions and events on the #standwithwendy twitter feed. It's kind of astounding, really.
So that's the State of Severina at the moment. Hopefully things will calm down a little here soon. In the meantime, I'm staying positive (and doing these things every 3 months, to stay accountable.) I have a lot of fun things coming up, including some trips to Toronto with friends, and a return visit to FanExpo (and hopefully more Reedus!) But now... BED. :)
Have a good day, everyone!