April 21, 2013 - Prompt: bottle
This is a decorative bottle that holds my dish soap. My sister came up with this idea years ago. I love it.
April 22, 2013 - Prompt: the last thing you bought
I allow myself one can of Pepsi per days (coz I'm addicted, yo) (okay fine two on Saturday) I buy a 12-pack each payday and then always have to go out and get an individual can just before the following payday. Which really is more explanation that anyone requires for a generic photo of a can of pop.
April 23, 2013 - Prompt: vegetable
Cucumbers Mmmmmmm!
April 24, 2013 - Prompt: something you're grateful for
FRIENDSHIP! (Amy made me promise that I would say that she was unprepared for a photo op and that it was 6 in the morning. Meanwhile she looks adorbs.)
April 25, 2013 - Prompt: looking down
Once again I enlisted Ben as my prompt-model, and told him he had to make a sadface. This is the result. HEEEE.
April 26, 2013 - Prompt: black and white
My baby. :)
April 27, 2013 - Prompt: somewhere you went
I did go out today, actually. So I brought my camera. I walked to the pharmacy, and of course there was an issue with my prescription so I had to stand around in there for 20 minutes while they fixed it. Then I left there I decided to pop into the grocery store to buy -- OMG -- PEANUT BUTTER. I have not had peanut butter in almost two years, because it's so high in calories and fat. But I decided to treat myself (and was verrrry careful to only have like a tablespoon) and omg it was orgasmic. But anyway the checkout line in the grocery store was about ten minutes, and then when the girl was ringing through my stuff? I REALIZED I FORGOT MY MONEY. *facepalm* Thank god I had my credit card. And thank god they TAKE credit cards. So I had to CHARGE a $2.99 jar of peanut butter and a $1.75 bag of bagels. OY. Anyway, all that meant that when I got outside, I completely forgot to take a "scenic" photo of my travels.
Here. Have some pill bottles. *sigh*
Just watched the livestream of the Boondock Saints panel at Calgary Fan Expo. IT WAS EPIC. Norman showed up about half an hour in, and he was in such a playful fun mood! He made lots of jokes, he mock-removed his shirt (SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS) and looked like he had a blast. I sure did. Aaaand since the BDS panel was so kickass I bit the bullet and shelled out the $15 premium fee for the rest of the livestreams so I'd have access to the The Walking Dead panel tomorrow. Steven Yeun, Melissa McBride and Norman? HELL YES. :)
ETA: Woah. The Norman half of the BDS panel is ALREADY online. I love fandom.
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