I am soooo tired, yet I can't fall asleep. I need a naaaaaap. /whines
April 07, 2013 - Prompt: shadow
I have this cool woman-shaped thingy that holds all my necklaces and earrings, and it was giving off this awesome shadow on the wall. Which... would disappear into nothing-ness every time I tried to photograph it. From any angle. With any kind of light. Ugh. So here. Have the shadow of an earring.
April 08, 2013 - Prompt: inside your wallet
It was two days before payday. This is all she wrote.
April 09, 2013 - Prompt: younger you
A close-up of the photo of me and my mom that I have in my bedroom. I have tons of young-me photos, but they're all in the scrapbooking cabinet in NO sense of order and I didn't want to dig through them. I've really gotta get back on track with scrapbooking.
April 10, 2013 - Prompt: cold
April 11, 2013 - Prompt: where you ate breakfast
I don't normally eat breakfast, but as it turned out I was super hungry when I got home from work. So I grabbed some toast while doing my morning check online.
April 12, 2013 - Prompt: stairs
I got Ben at work to be my photo-a-day model again!
An aside: Ben has now started counting how many times I tell him a Reedus story in a night. That night there was only 5 times. I told him that some time I'm going to try to go for the record. ;) And then there was also this:
Me: blah blah Reedus story
(He loves it.)
April 13, 2013 - Prompt: something you found
I have been searching FOREVER for sneakers. Just plain sneakers. Not running shoes. SNEAKERS. Finally find them so I buy two pairs. HUZZAH, right? ...Nope. They don't fit. They're 7's and they're miiiiiles too big. So now the search continues. (I literally have either BOOTS or SANDALS right now. The weather is too mild for boots and too cold for sandals. *throws up hands*)
I need to write. But I want to sleeeeeeeeeeeep.