Dec 12, 2012 15:06

So I got up after only 3 hours sleep to watch Norman on the MTV Livestream of "Big and Best of 2012". And IT'S BLOCKED TO NON-USA USERS. Why? Why this stupid rule? THE INTERNET IS FOR ALL PEOPLES. UGH.

So instead you get to hear about my crazy dream. So I dreamt that I was at a CHER concert. (Yeah, right there it's already crazy.) It was in this club that was round, and all along the walls were benches were you sat. Before Cher came on it was a club, and some song started that everybody loved, so my friends all got up to dance. These guys squished in to were they had been sitting in the booth, and one of them was this very skinny, sorta nerdy guy (who I know was "played by" some sort of Michael-Cera-like actor in the dream, but i can't quite place him. I'll call him Michael Cera for simplicity's sake.) Anyway, then a song by ABBA came on and I was like OOOOH I HAVE TO DANCE (um, to Abba? I mean, I like Abba and all, but the song that my friends went to dance to was better) so Michael Cera and his friends are like 'come dance with US' so we literally climb over people in the booths to get out. And dancing in this club involves just sort of twirling around in a big circle. Then at some point I'm making out with Michael Cera, but then Cher comes on and I go to watch her and we get separated.

So the next day I'm at work (at my old job at Money Mart, but with my current co-workers at the taxi company) and Michael Cera comes in to get a money order. He's all shy. Also, he's wearing a Daryl Dixon poncho. HE'S WEARING A DARYL DIXON PONCHO. So for some reason I have to go waaaay to the back to get his money order, and I can't remember the amount, so I ask my co-worker to go ask him. And then I hear this big commotion and my boss jumps up thinking my co-worker is getting hurt by Michael Cera, but then Michael Cera manages to open the door and comes in and we find out that my co-worker was actually verbally harassing Michael Cera, and Michael Cera comes inside and LIES ON THE FLOOR AND CURLS UP IN A FETAL POSITION AND CRIES.

...and then my alarm went off.

MY BRAIN. I'm almost afraid to go back to sleep.

fucking technology, actor: norman reedus, dreams

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