Reedus Interview

Sep 23, 2012 21:13

Just listened to a re-broadcast on of a Norman interview recorded one week prior to his return to GA before S2. I'd never heard this before and it's AWESOME. Norm's also making Mingus's dinner while he's talking so there's one part where he's kinda out of breath coz he's doing like three things at once. And he gets Mingus to say Hi. LOVE.

Also, SPF calls in at the end, pretending to be a Moscow reporter and asking about Kristin Stewart. OH SEAN.

Interesting facts learned:

The Danish government has to approve the names of all children, and since there'd never been a "Mingus" before, Norm and Helena had to fill out all kinds of paperwork in order to get the name approved!

Norm's favourite photo he's taken is the basement one in the Moscow prison with the two guys and the cat. THE SAME ONE THAT I LOVE THE MOST OMG. (Sorry, that just made me happy.) He tells how that came about -- the guys kept getting yelled at to stay away, but Norm called them back and the cat came running out, too. Worked out perfect.

He was doing his burning for his 3 Films on Mingus's computer. HEH. Mingus probably has the powerful monster. *nods*


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*hope that works, I wanna keep this*

actor: norman reedus

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