Bruceday Fun :)

Sep 07, 2012 21:18

Okay, so BruceDay was a ton of fun! We arrived several hours in advance and the barricades were already jam-packed with people. Seriously, what time do these people arrive, freakin' noon? DO YOU NOT HAVE LIVES, PEOPLE? Anyway, since I made Snick choose where to stand at JustinFest, she made me choose where to stand for BruceDay. I chose us a place waaaaaaaay back from the red carpet where we could rest up against the barricades, because a. at least there we would be far away but able to see, as opposed to standing five or six deep behind people holding cameras up in the air and unable to see a thing, and b. I really couldn't stand the idea of being squished in behind/between/beside people for hours.

We ended up being maybe ... 80 feet from the action? I don't know, I'm not good with distance. The cars that brought the celebs to the red carpet drove by us and it was amusing looking in and trying to figure out who was in there. Also amusing was seeing the anticipation when someone got out, and then the collective *shrug* of the crowd when no one was recognized. I did feel bad for those poor actors who were probably in the damn movie and nobody knew who they were!

The first fan reaction came for Emily Blunt, who was in a sorta deep-red dress. She went over and signed a ton of autographs for the people in the good section. And then everyone kept screaming JOHN! JOHN! and Snick and i had NO idea who the dude was, but it turned out to be someone named John Krasinski from The Office, who is apparently married to Emily. He was AWESOME with the fans, darting over when people called his name, signing autographs, taking photos with fans. He got a better reaction than Emily did. Heh.

There was a false-alarm when a car went by carrying a bald guy. Everyone strained and looked and cameras flew up in the air and then... some random bald guy gets outta the car. Everyone slumps back, disappointed. Sorry, random bald guy!

Next big fan reaction came for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He got out of his car, smiled, posed for papparazzi pics... I think he may have signed like 2 autographs, and then off he went! Everyone was chanting JOSEPH! JOSEPH! but I think J-G-L! J-G-L! would've been more effective. Kinda like a football cheer. *shrugs*

Fiiiinally Bruce arrived! He looked AMAZING. Dark suit and a light-coloured shirt. He smiled and waved and bowed to the crowd. He even turned over to our section and waved and smiled at us. HE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT ACKNOWLEDGED US. BECAUSE HE IS BRUCE WILLIS AND HE IS JUST.THAT.AWESOME. I also found out later that he was the only person who stopped to talk to the non-red-carpet press corps that were stationed at their own special barricades. BECAUSE AGAIN HE IS JUST THAT AWESOME.

Here's a press pic:

And this might sound weird, but he stood in profile to us for quite a while, and I was very excited to see his nose. In person. Because it's a fucking awesome nose.


So that was it. No photos because we were far away, and also by the time Bruce arrived it was getting dark and my camera does not take night photos. It was still really cool.

After that Snick and I went for dinner and multiple alcoholic beverages, and spent hours talking about our lives and fandom and writing, and laughing a lot. The SnickDay portion of my day was just as superb as the BruceDay portion!

My life is pretty awesome.

ALSO. I have to send out a belated thank you to mdlaw for the pencil on my profile page. If only it was making me WRITE. Heh. And another huge thank you to atxstnic, who sent me "Cigarette Burns" and OMG there is commentary and behind the scenes and AN INTERVIEW WITH NORMAN WHEEEE. I am so excited to watch all the extras, I can't even tell you. THANK YOU!

friends, travel: toronto, event: tiff, actor: bruce willis, snick

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