Aug 04, 2012 14:13

Wooooot! Checked the back to school sales (again, yay for iphone) and found an awesome deal this morning. I initially planned to call the store when they opened at 10am to make sure it was in stock, then go immediately to pick it up. Instead I got sucked into watching olympics womens trampoline (WOOOOOO ROSIE!) and didn't get out until after 11. Then when I got the new computer home I was sooooo nervous hooking everything up, but everything worked except for the speakers. My co-worker was texting me periodically asking how it was going, and I was all WTF SPEAKERS, so he ended up calling me and then suddenly when I was sitting there doing nothing, the speakers miraculously worked. So I have decided that my co-worker is magic.

I still have to install my Office disk, and download AVG and utorrent and calibre and OMG SO MANY THINGS, but now... I've been up for 22 hours straight, so I need a nap!

Also? The new computer is named Reedus. :D

fucking technology, sports: olympics

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