Favourite Fandom Memory

Jan 16, 2012 19:58

Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 15: Share a favorite memory about fandom: the first time you got into fandom, the last time a fanwork touched your heart, crazy times with fellow fans (whether on-line or off-line), a lovely comment you’ve received or have left for someone.

I have been lucky and blessed enough to have attended many fandom gatherings over the years. I travelled to Arizona multiple times to get together with the TYR girls for "Reunion", where we visited the sets of Mescal and Old Tucson Studios, had fanfic nights, and generally had a blast. I've gone to Pride in Toronto for about ten years running, sometimes with fellow QaF fangirls, and on one of those occasions I got to meet Sharon Gless. I travelled to New York to see Gale, travelled back to see Randy and Clay Aiken. Saw Justin Long and Misha Collins within a month of each other.

Every single moment was wonderful and amazing. I got to meet people I would never ever have met otherwise. Some of them I'd spent months or years chatting to online, others were brand new. I formed friendships that have stood the test of time and moved beyond that initial shared love of TV show/movie/actor.

But my favourite fandom memory - the one that immediately popped into my head - is my very first visit to the Berkshires, to see Randy in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

First, because I was invited along by Cris and Jackie, and I felt… included in something so special. I felt special. For someone like me, someone with "issues", someone who often feels expendable, this was a huge moment. (I remember when I was leaving at the end of the weekend, I was near tears… and I didn't understand why at the time. But that's why.) I had such a wonderful time that weekend - laughing and singing and goofing around at Michael's, meeting so many fabulous, fun people.

Second, because I learned what real theatre IS. The production we saw was incredible. Before that, I'd seen an unrehearsed version of "Taming of the Shrew" and Gale/Carlo Gugino in "Suddenly Last Summer", and I'm pretty sure that was it. Suddenly my eyes were opened as to how amazing and incredible live theatre should be. I was transfixed and wanted MORE. I still can't see a lot - live theatre is also expensive -- but I love it.

And third, because I will never ever forget my first encounter with Randy Harrison. We were walking through the parking lot at the theatre - Cris, Jackie, and Carolyn's daughter Jenn up ahead; Carolyn and I lagging behind - when Jackie suddenly said, "don't look left". So of course we look left.. and see Randy getting out of his car. I remember being sooooo excited, bouncing, thrilled. Randy Harrison, right fucking there. I remember Carolyn laughing (and possibly hugging me) because I was SO excited. I remember saying something like "we don't have to walk fast, no rush" and Carolyn and I slowing down so we could casually ogle.

It's like my whole weekend is crystallized in that one moment: seeing this amazing actor who I loved, soon after discovering just how amazing he and live theatre could be, and sharing all of it with people who wanted me along for the ride.


comm: snowflake challenge, actor: randy harrison, friends, qaf fandom, travel: the berkshires, tv: queer as folk

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