I guess that's what eating dinner at midnight gets me

Sep 10, 2011 11:42

Last night I dreamt that two new submissions had been sent in for the Fic Tac Toe challenge at sexy_right. One of them was by natasha_alexis and was called "Revolution - (/III)" but I couldn't find an attachment in the email. I said, "Oh, I think it's under the bed", but then persnickett looked at me like I was on crack and said, "No, it's under the sofa cushions!" She walked over and lifted the cushions and sure enough, there it was. When I was like WTF, Snick explained that the title of the story was a hint and she knew where the story was because it's a line from a Beatles song.

My brain. I DON'T EVEN KNOW.

It was quite disappointing to get up and discover no new submissions. :/

But I doooo have glorious new DH icons, courtesy fanfromfla. *gazes above* PRETTY.

comm: sexy_right, dreams, icons, snick

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