It's already Vacation Day Three

Jul 18, 2011 20:25

I always seem to pick the hottest week of the summer to take as vacation. Not that I'm complaining. ...okay, yes, I am complaining just a smidge, heh. It's just that when it goes up to freakin' 45 degrees celsius (with the humidity) it's kinda hard to DO stuff, and then when I decide to walk downtown in that heat (like today) I turn into a giant sweat bubble (like today), and when I get home and collapse I don't have a/c so I can't move further than 2 feet from my fan (like today), and blah blah whiney blah. *drinks more water*

Adorable, right? I tried to explain to her that the pigeons are hot too and they're just trying to get some shade, but I still don't think she appreciated them hanging out on HER balcony.

On the plus side, I did get a new top on my hot-and-sweaty travels today, so it wasn't a total loss. I also bought mini apple cinnamon danishes at a whopping 100 calories per danish. But it's VACATION, right? I've pretty much told myself that if I can get through the week with a gain of 2 lbs or less I'll consider it a success. If I actually maintain or lose I just might go into shock, heh. Since I've already had 3 of them, I don't think that's gonna be an issue.

fanfromfla played the 'come at me bro and ask me questions' game, so I jumped at the chance to get five more questions to answer. Me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *ahem* So here we go:

1. What was the first movie or show that you saw Bruce Willis in, and/or when did you first fall in love with him?

First, I love that I've done this twice and both people have asked Bruce questions. HEEE.

Okay. Well I'm old enough that the first time I saw Bruce was on Moonlighting back in the 80's. I wasn't really a fan of the show (even now, years later and watching it on DVD, I can only handle a couple of episodes before I have to turn it off. I mean, it's GREAT, don't get me wrong, but there's only so much smirking/clever banter/UST I can stand.) Right around that time Bruce made Die Hard which of course I saw, and released his album. I remember one time, shopping in Toronto, my friend was looking for the new release by Morrissey, so she kept making us go into to see if they had it (because, you know, the first four stores telling her it wasn't out yet wasn't good enough -- they might be wrong. *sigh*) Anyway, at one store the dude said "Oh yeah, it's out." Mary's eyes lit up. "WHERE?" she asked. "Right there," the dude said, pointing to a big display of "The Return of Bruno" albums. (Yeah, I still don't know how he mistook 'Morrissey' for 'Bruce Willis'.) My friends mocked and guffawed, while I stood there going, "but but.. I LIKE HIM." HEE.

So fast forward, Bruce does a lot of movies and some of them I watch and love (and buy), some of them I don't care for, and I always think he's a pretty cool guy but he mostly falls off my radar. THEN. I clicked on a Live Free or Die Hard fic that someone on my flist had written. I'm not even sure WHY I clicked on it, because I was mostly like "really? McClane and the hacker dude? REALLY?" and then I read it and started thinking about it (and thinking about it, and thinking about it) and went "YES OMG REALLY." I rewatched all the Bruce movies I owned, and suddenly went from 'he's a pretty cool guy' to 'he's a pretty cool guy AND he's sexy as hell AND he's freakin' ridiculously talented AND WHY THE HELL DIDN'T I REALIZE THIS BEFORE?' :D

... and the obsession began. HEE. (but he really IS cool and sexy and superfreakintalented, so I don't mind. :D )

Bet you're sorry you asked that question, huh?

2. If you could live somewhere else, where would it be?

Welllll, I'd love to be somewhere where it's warm all the time, like, oh, maybe Florida. :) But since I'm Canadian and I really can't imagine leaving the great white north, the furthest I can actually picture myself being is somewhere like Niagara Falls, with its gorgeous scenery.

3. When/how did you discover "Oz" and the wonders of B/K?

Oz was one of those shows that I knew of and figured I'd like, but I just never watched it. I don't know if it aired on a night when I wasn't home, or on a channel I didn't get, or if it was just a case of too-much-tv -- because I try to severely limit how much time I spend in front of the tube, and if I'm watching 3 shows a week that's a LOT to me and I feel like I need to cut one. Anyway. My friend and I were in my local video store looking for a movie to watch, and I saw Oz Season One. I rented it, and then panicked because I had just rented 8 hours of television and had to watch all of it in 36 hours, LOL.

Strangely, after going through all 6 seasons in about 2 months, I then put it aside for a couple of *years*. I loved it, but I wasn't inspired fandom-wise until much later. Weird.

4. Have you ever been to Pittsburgh? (To explain this random question: I just watched "Striking Distance" today and this, combined with your whole QAF thing, put Pittsburgh on my mind. It is also the city of my birth!)

LOL No, I have not. (But YAY for you watching more Bruce!) Queer as Folk was actually filmed in Toronto so I've been to a ton of the filming locations, though. :)

5. Aside from being on vacation this week, what is the best thing about your job?

Well, I do like customer service. I like joking with my customers. And there are times when I KNOW that the customer is in a shitty mood, and by the end of the call he's got a smile in his voice and I think, "I did that." I just wish the nasty customers weren't so nasty.

Also this week, I became the new owner of diehard101, whoooo! The previous owner didn't use it so there's nothing there yet, but with the help of persnickett it's going to be the home of a Die Hard Movies concordance/reference guide/resource comm. Looking forward to playing around with that as well as more writing. Which is what I should be doing right now if I want any chance of winning sexy_right's Word War. Yup. Here I go.

movie: die hard, vacation, comm: sexy_right, meme, friends, cassie, giant sweat bubble, actor: bruce willis

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