Five "Die Hard" Drabbles

Jul 10, 2011 11:26

persnickett and I are fic-racing again. Alas, the DH minibang kinda kicked both our asses and we're pretty much sucking at it. So here's my attempt to get back on the train. 5 Die Hard drabbles, all 100 words each.

Title: Has To Be McClane
Fandom: Die Hard with a Vengeance

Has To Be McClane
by Severina

“C’mon, McClane. Get your ass up.”

John swallows drily, lifts a hand to knuckle one eye open.

“Shit, Lambert, your mug ain’t something I wanna see at…” he blinks blearily at the alarm clock, “… jeeeesus, eight in the fucking morning.” He slumps back, fumbles at the nightstand for his smokes. “How the hell d’you get in here?”

“There’s been a bombing,” Joe says shortly. “We need you, John.”

Sure, you fucking need me *now*, John thinks, and if it was Cobb he might’ve popped him one. Then he sees the look in Joe’s eyes, and struggles to his feet.

Title: Better This Way
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard

Better This Way
by Severina

“So, I’m discharged. Outta here,” Matt says. Hovers by the bed. “Unless you want me to stay, or…”

Eyes wide and hopeful.

And it’s been easy between them, moving inexorably from begrudging companionship to friendship to… something more. Shared smiles, teasing, mock arguments while Fox News plays on the tiny hospital television. They’re on a slow track to a place John has never been, a place that terrifies him.

Stay, he thinks. Never leave.

“See ya around, kid,” he says.

Pretends he doesn’t see the crestfallen expression, the slumped shoulders as the door closes behind him.

It’s better this way.

Title: Jealous
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard

by Severina

“You recognized her voice right away,” John murmurs. “The crazy karate chick.”

“Mai?” Matt asks. “Hell yeah. Sexy voice.”

When John just grunts, Matt lifts his head from the pillow. “Are you jealous?”

“It ain’t her bed you’re sleeping in, kid.”

“Kinda hard to sleep with her when she’s so much blackened ash,” Matt points out. “Still,” he grins, “she was hot. That body. And all that hair, made me just wanna--”

Then John’s tongue is in his mouth, and when he can breathe again he smoothes his palm over John’s scalp, laughs. “Glad you’re not jealous,” he says.

Title: Tivo
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard

by Severina

Matt perches on the arm of the sofa, waits for a break in the action. “John,” he says, “I need to talk to you.”

“You, talk?” John drawls. “Oh, the surprise.”

“Yeah, funny. Never gets old, McClane. Look, it’s about tivo.”

“Tivo?” John says skeptically. “Matt, I’m busy. Knicks are down by seven. And you’re blocking my fucking view,” he adds pointedly.

Matt sighs, doesn’t move. “You don’t even know what it is.”

“Please, kid. Tivo. Band from the ‘80’s. Wore flowerpots on their heads.”

Matt blinks.

“And you thought I didn’t listen to anything past 1974,” John says smugly.

Title: Worth It
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard

Worth It
by Severina

“And one seventy-five for the uniform,” Matt finishes.

John scowls, less from the price as the sudden flash of memory…

--“Two hundred for figure skating,” Holly said.

“A month? Who the fuck is teaching the class, Dorothy Hamill?--

Holly’s lips had thinned then, but Matt just nods in agreement. “I know, right? And they’re mass-produced overseas, John. Small children work in sweatshops to make those uniforms, and if they just used locally made-“

“Another six months without the new doohickey for your computer,” John says.

Matt shrugs. “Worth it.”

Looking at their son, John can’t help but agree.

The current fic-race standings:
persnickett: 8 drabbles, 1 minibang
severina2001: 5 drabbles, 1 minibang, 1 short story


fanfic: die hard with a vengeance, fanfic: live free or die hard

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