*hugs computer*

Nov 17, 2010 08:37

So on Saturday night/Sunday morning my computer started doing weird things. Well, weirdER things. Things like freezing on a grey-barred screen, and refusing to shut down unless I unplugged it and let the teeeensy bit of battery life drain. Then things like not turning on at all.

Yup, poor Sabrina the Laptop finally bit the bullet. (Luckily she gave me enough warning so that I could save the three Die Hard fics I have written in the past two weeks!)

It was a jittery anxious withdrawal-filled couple of days, and then I remembered that Visa is my friend. So off I went -- with Jen of the Awesome Fabulousness providing the wheels, my nephew Robbie for advice to point blank tell me what to buy, and Krystle for cheerleading -- to purchase a brand spankin' new computer! Wheeeeee!

This one is superfast and superpowerful and scares the bejeebers out of me. I now have Office for the first time EVAH; I don't know how to use it at all. (And MS Works, the crappy little free version that used to come on every computer -- no longer in existence, apparently.) It has a maaaaassssive monitor and a weird keyboard and I'm basically all EEEEEEE and nervous just turning it on.

And the name of my new computer? Bruce Willis, of course. :D

fucking technology, family

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