It's A Good Week to be a Bruce Willis Fan

Oct 06, 2010 21:35

Bruce is doing the rounds of the talk shows to promote RED (opens October 15th at a theatre near you :D) and I.Am.Loving.It. He wore a meat toupee and came out as a warlock on Letterman; gave a shaving-your-head PSA on The Daily Show; managed to get through Regis babbling at him without strangling him with a sausage; and acquainted himself much better on GMA than he did on his last appearance. And he's looking GREAT, slim and healthy and whoooooo!

Earlier this week the premiere of RED was held in NYC, and

Above: Happy Smiling Bruce makes for a Happy Smiling Severina.

Above: BRUCE AND EMMA. These two are just so adorable. I love that she's all I AM TALL, YO and he's fine with that, and I love that he's so affectionate. Plus, how freakin' drop dead gorgeous is Emma? I totally crush on her almost as much as I crush on Bruce. :D

Above: Helen Mirren giving Emma a run for her money in the VA VA VOOM department. How is she 65? I mean.

Above: Bruce and Morgan Freeman looking particularly pleased to be hanging out together. :)

Above: Karl Urban, who appears to have just dashed into the theatre without talking to anyone. Maybe he was running late...

Above: Possibly my favourite photo of the night. This is Bruce's GUH MY WIFE IS SO HOT face. And Emma doing the "Yes honey, you're sweet. Shut your mouth now before you catch flies."

And then Snick and I were playing the "if you were a car, what car would you be" game -- which, not really a game, and also, very hard for me to play when the only cars I can ID are (Brian's) corvette, a VW, a PT Cruiser, and.... um, yeah, I think that's it. The one that I found for Snick was *perfect* btw, but now I can't remember what it's called. And MY choice was perfect as well, if I do say so myself.

Above: RIGHT? Boxy and slow and old(er), but also fun and entirely too floral for its own good. I rule at this game.

Aaaaaaaaaand this is what I did instead of write tonight. Hee.

movie: red, friends, model: emma heming, actor: bruce willis, meme

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