My Writing Update Check-In Thing

Jul 01, 2010 10:35

My goal for the month of June was 28,000 words, which would have earned me B/K schmoop by ozsaur. I was soooo close, and I got cocky... and then I slacked like a big ol' slacking thing. But I still wrote 23,594 words this month, which is pretty darned good. I think that deserves a drabble at least. HMPH. *bats eyelashes in ozsaur's general direction*

My total word count for the year is currently at 65,695 words. I'm still WAY behind where I should be for getyourwordsout, but overall I'm very pleased with my output.

My goals for this month are more "finishing" related than word count related. I want to finish my oz_big_bang fic (currently needs 12K, plus editing/polishing after it's beta-ed), at least 2 or 3 Die Hard ficlets/short stories, the QaF fic that I've owed forever, and 2 Oz ficlets/short stories. Whew!

As of 7am I'm now on vacation for 10 days! WOOT! At least I'll have lots of free time. :D


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