
Jun 05, 2010 09:10

So May was a schizophrenic month, and I'm pretty glad to see the back of it.

On the plus side, my muse finally caught fire in the latter half of the month, and I managed to crank out several stories and quite a few words. Writing makes for a happy Severina. Amy took me out to lunch as a thank-you for working on her taxes, which was really nice, and loaned me some much needed money, which was even nicer. I really DO have the best friends. And of course there was Mobfest at the beginning of the month, and really? Getting kissed by Lee Tergesen is really pretty happy-making. :D

On the negative side, I had financial worries + the 2nd anniversary of mom's death, with the resulting mood swings and frets and keeping-to-myself and the occasional bouts of bawling my eyes out. THAT I'll be glad to be done with. I'm still feeling a bit anti-social, but hopeful that June will see the end of that.


* I've officially decided to drop out of finishing my Mission101. Even though I tried to alter the list to make it less dependent on finances, I'm finding that it stresses me out too much just contemplating it. I'm still working on some of the goals (eating more healthy, walking regularly) but I'll do it at my own pace.

* Still plugging away at getyourwordsout. Writing is what keeps me sane (er, saner?) and I need goals in order to get my ass in gear, and though I'm waaaaay behind due to some issues at the beginning of the year, I'm in the zone now and loving writing. This is partially due to expanding my horizons into Die Hard's John and Matt, partially due to ozsaur and her enthusiasm for the story creating process, and partially due to just finding the Oz muse again. YAY WRITING.

* Speaking of ozsaur... in May I wrote just over 14,000 words. ozsaur has told me that if I can double that in June, she will write me Chris/Toby schmoop with kisses and cuddles. NOW THAT IS MOTIVATION, MY FRIENDS.

* And after waffling back and forth on like four different oz_big_bang ideas, I finally have a story I'm wanting to write! This is again thanks to ozsaur, who sat with me for an hour and helped me to work out the structure for the very bare-bones idea I had, and made some great suggestions. Big *smooches* to her.

* Oh! And after fighting with my website coding one too many times, I've decided to say 'fuck it' and have begun archiving on Archive of Our Own, a fan-run multi-fandom archive. All of the Oz, DotD, and Wanted stuff is currently there, and the QaF stuff will start going up on Monday. It's MUCH easier there than on the website, which will be coming down within the next few days. So you can find my stuff at My Fic at AO3 which will bring you to the "most recent" story, and if you go here it will let you search by fandom on the right-hand toolbar.

* If I write 2K today, I gets me some Bruce. ONWARD!

comm: getyourwordsout, friends, comm: mission101, movie: die hard, writing, actor: bruce willis, mom

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