Title: A Kiss is Just a Kiss?
Prompt: 29 - Dance, Pinocchio, Dance! (manipulation)
Characters: Keller, Bonnie
Timeframe: Season Three
Word Count: 512
Authors Note: Also written for the
Kiss-a-Thon over at
oz_wishing_well. Crossposted there and to
hardtime100, because I'm all about the killing of two birds prompts with one stone fic. :D
A Kiss is Just a Kiss? )
Comments 4
I also like that you get his selfishness here, but that he also genuinely digs Bonnie. His motivations may be self-serving, but he can justify it as them both ultimately getting something out of it.
What really takes this up another notch (if that's possible) is the bit with Sister Pete at the end. The comic book Pig Pen imagery is perfection (I always loved her reaction to Chris' ex-wives visiting) and how Chris is ever mindful of her presence, her reaction to him, Bonnie, to the whole damn thing, and he's playing with it.
That Chris is quite the multi-tasker :-)
Thanks again! :)
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