So, my subject line just reminded me of "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy", that old SNL thing. My friend Mike and I used to get pretty hysterical remembering them. My favourite was this one:
"I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was THAT?!"
Lee, baby!
Yowza, baby! He was GREAT. I was soooo looking forward to the show and Lee did not disappoint. I loved loved loved his performance as Dale -- he completely nailed it, and what a versatile actor. Also? He makes scruffy look hot. ::nods::
My sister has been insisting that I watch this show for at least the last year, telling me that it's better than SVU. Of course, I knew that it could not possibly be better than SVU because it doesn't have the Meloni. Geez, people, THINK. ;) Annnnnyway, it took LEE to finally get me to watch.
The only part of the show itself that I found compelling were the 'bad guy' parts (and no, NOT because Lee was the 'bad guy'.) The feds just seemed to sit around talking. I mean, watching a bunch of guys literally standing around reciting variations of "But why did he do such-and-such?" and the oft-repeated "What are we missing?" is just not interesting television. :shrugs: The black guy is pretty cute, though. :D
Also, fic possibilities. I mean, not for me, but somebody should put Dale in Oz or have Elliot somehow involved in investigating him. Oh yes.
Randy's recent interview
I don't have linkage, but I'm sure you've all read it. I have to admit, it really pissed me off. Yes, I know Randy is full of the snark and he's a *sticks nose in air* "serious AC-tor" now, but there comes a point when you just go a little too far. I've always kinda hated those comments like "those fat, middle-aged women are the ones who buy tickets to his plays and make him his money"... but seriously, the guy admitted that he did the QaF convention in Paris just so he could get a free trip to France. So he'll apparently use those fans when it's convenient for him, then look down his nose at them any other time? It just... IRKS me. It makes me want to NOT support anything he does, which is really sad because the plays I've seen him in were so amazing, and he is so very talented...
I'm excited for you guys who are going to see Gale in L.A. for his play. I wouldn't even consider it for myself -- too far, too much money to get/stay there, and one other reason that I won't name for fear of alienating the Gale fans on my flist. But I hope you guys all have a great time, and write up some decent fan reports for us left behind!
And (almost) lastly: Chris Meloni is going to be appearing on Celebrity Jeopardy tonight! It took me AGES to track down which channel now airs the show, but you can bet I'll be watching. Lee last night and the Meloni tonight. It's SUCH a good week!
Oh, and I saw this random Adam Lambert clip of his appearance on So You Think You Can Dance. Um... who told him that it was a good idea to put a big clump of plastic poop on his shoulder?