*blinks rapidly to stay awake*

Aug 25, 2008 02:44

Well, it's 3am and I got back from my Stockbridge weekend about 1.5 hours ago. Wouldn't you know it, my plane had to taxi around the runway for over an hour before we could take off, so I was late arriving home again. My poor friend Jen, circling in her car through the pick-up area searching for me! At least she only had to circle 6 times this year... last year, it was 10! She's so awesome for doing this for me every year.

I had an amazing time. I am truly blessed to have been taken in and made part of the gang by such a fabulous group of friends. Carolyn - you seem to have found the secret to living a balanced life and I admire you so much. Cat - you still give the best hugs! Thanks for helping to cure me of my hug phobia. ;) Maureen and Nancy - you both inspire me to live life to the fullest. Cherie, Suzanne, and Vickie - it was wonderful to finally meet you after hearing SO much about you. I hope to get to know you better. And last but never least, Jackie and Cris - you both are so fun and caring and funny, I'm blessed to know you.

MY PEOPLE. *hugs all of you*

I'll do my usual "trip report" on Monday or Tuesday. Right now, it's bed time!

(And Cassie is attached to me at the hip and purring constantly. I missed my baby!)

actor: randy harrison, friends, travel: the berkshires

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