Jun 22, 2008 14:02
I'm finally chatting with ayesakara. YAY YAY!
Venting is good.
Had a very nice weekend. Spent Friday with my niece Krystle (dinner, then relaxing and chatting on the sofa.) On Saturday we had planned to volunteer in the morning, then take a taxi to the cemetery and back, then a bus to her house. We did the volunteering, but then my sister and brother-in-law (Krystle's mom and dad) randomly called and asked if we wanted a ride. So they came and got us and took us to the cemetery (which is sad, and hard, but also makes me feel better -- it totally doesn't make sense), and then took us out to lunch and to the mall so I could pick up a birthday present, and then back to their place for an aaaaamazing dinner. It was really nice.
My computer is still messed up, but my nephew seems to think that I purchased the extended warranty. I need to hunt up my paperwork.
I saw chipmunks! They are adorable and so teeny!
Aaaaand Pride Toronto is in 6 days. WOOO HOOO! I am determined to have fun!
Week Sixteen of mission101
In Progress
#21 - Read 130 books
15. Split Second by David Baldacci
#22 - Contribute 25 books to Bookcrossing
20. Island of Bones by P.J. Parrish
21. Books of Blood vol.3-6 by Clive Barker
22. Split Second by David Baldacci
Left these around at various places in the downtown area.
#25 - Maintain apartment cleanliness weekly
Kicked ass.
#42 - Increase walk to 1 hour 3x/week for 2 months
10. June 18th -- walked (60 mins) before work. And it was neither raining nor 8000 degrees. Yay!
11. June 19th -- walked (60 mins) before work. In the rain. Boo!
12. June 20th -- walked (approx. 60 mins) over the course of about 4 hours. Which is really not what I'm supposed to do, but Friday was incredibly busy so I figured, at least I walked wherever I had to go. There was absolutely no time to actually get in a full hour-long walk.
#53 - Workout to DVD 3x/week for 2 months
01. June 16th
02. June 18th
03. June 19th
I purchased two DVD's that I thought I'd be able to do considering my weight and the fact that I last worked out... oh, let's see, never. I've started on the first one (40 minutes long) and the first time I did it I thought I'd picked something too "easy" but now I understand that these things start you off slow, build up, and then slow down again towards the cool off at the end. By the time I'm halfway through I am sweating up a storm -- um, ewww -- and it's definitely a workout for me. I know I just started but I am already finding a difference in how I feel after I'm done -- I shower and then I am SO energized; I end up doing laundry and cleaning the apartment and just being very active. I hope this keeps up. :) (Oh! And I also learned that I have absolutely NO coordination whatsoever. I should have known that since I can't dance, but still. The simplest choreographed moves and I'm stumbling around with two left feet. I'm sure it's quite comical to watch!)
#87 - Donate to charity 3x/year
02. Donated to American Cancer Society -- sponsored qaf_fanatic in Relay for Life
03. Donated to Canadian Cancer Society -- sponsored my coworker Rebeccah in Relay for Life
#88 - When shopping, pick up at least one item for food bank, weekly
05. Another canned good. I'm going to need to branch out to boxed items soon, or I won't be able to carry this box by December.
Total weeks: 5
# of Items: 7
Master Goal List
comm: mission101,
reading challenge: 50bookchallenge,
author: d,