Updatey McUpdateypants

Jan 29, 2008 10:31

So the doctor that I really liked that actually listened to me and seemed willing to help solve my problems? Not so handy when I can't get in to see him. For 8 months. *seethes* Last time I saw him was May. I started calling his office in July to get an appointment for a follow-up, which was supposed to be for him to book a specialist for me. I gave up trying to actually reach him in October.

So this new doc just moved into the city and he's taking new patients. I called today and got through in 3 minutes. I'm pretty sure I love him already. I was asked if I already have a doctor. I said yes. The receptionist got really quiet and said they're not supposed to take patients that already have doctors. I explained how I hadn't seen my current doc in 8 months since I can't get through to his office. She then said that she totally understood my dilemma, and they're not supposed to take on patients of existing doctors because they don't want to get the rep as "poachers", but... "you didn't say anything to me, 'kay?"

My appointment is on Monday. :)

I am just praying (well, I would be... maybe wishing extravagantly is better) that I can finally get some resolution. I just want to breathe normally again. Oh, to breathe through my nose. To have a sense of smell. I haven't smelled anything in over a year! Crazy dreams, I know. ;)

Meanwhile, 2 more books for the 50bookchallenge

04. I Am Legend (and other stories) by Richard Matheson
312 pages
It's been forever since I read this book, which I have always loved, and seeing the film adaptation (which is absolutely nothing like the book in any way shape or form but which I adore on its own merits -- just pretend the movie has another title and is not based on the book, coz it's truly not, and you might love it too) inspired me to pick up the re-release in the store. I'm glad I did, because it was fun to "meet" Robert Neville again. My favourite part of the book has always been his love-hate relationship with Ben Cortman. I love the moment where Ben is jumping over the running water -- something about that just rings so real to me.

The book also featured 10 short stories written by Matheson. Most of them I had read before, but again, it's always exciting to find something that you'd forgotten all about and experience that thrill of rediscovery. Dance of the Dead always makes me shiver, and The Near Departed is so gleefully evil.

05. Dead of Night by various authors
281 pages of 394 actually read
Billed as "four all-new paranormal stories", I picked this up because the 'featured' story was an Eve Dallas story by J.D. Robb. Since they started publishing new 'In Death' stories in hardcover, I've lost track of the series, so it was nice to play around in Eve's world again. The story here, "Eternity in Death", is about a vampire-like killer. It's pretty much typical In Death -- Roarke interferes in a case, Eve is reminded of something from her childhood, McNabb and Peabody are adorable -- all tied up nicely in 108 pages.

The second story is Amy and the Earl's Amazing Adventure" by Mary Blayney. It's about this Mary Sue and um, an earl, and they go back in time with a coin. Because, you know, the stranger they meet says they should. Despite the cardboard characterizations, I bumbled through it until I got to this, on page 54:

He showered kisses on her eyes, her cheeks, her lips as she whispered, "The first time you touched me. It was nothing more than a tap on my hand. That touch was as intimate an invasion as a kiss."

Yes, because we ALL talk like that. I can't even SAY that last sentence aloud without stumbling all over it. So at that point I gave up in exasperation and moved on to story three...

Timeless by Ruth Ryan Langan, which is another time travel thing, except this time the heroine is somehow snatched back in time to feudal Scotland, where she is basically the twin of the Scottish laird's wife, who has mysteriously gone missing. It's ridiculously cheesy, but I sort of fell in love with the strong protective laird and his equally strong wife and the idea that love is, er, timeless. I know, I know. But I read the whole damned thing.

The last story is On The Fringe by Mary Kay McComas. Wow, this writer thinks she is funny. Wow, this writer is so not funny. I only managed 28 pages before I put it down because of not only complete lack of interest but actual distaste for both main characters. I kind of wanted them to die, actually.

So I'm counting this as a book read. But only counting the actual pages I read into the word count. Heh.

Book Count: 5 of 50
Word Count: 1492 of 15000

Meanwhile, about The Great Valentines Day Secret Admirer Extravaganza: The idea originally came from svmadelyn, who last year graciously allowed me to apply it to the QaF fandom. And please feel free to send in comments for MORE than 10 people if there's some you absolutely cannot leave out. 10 is more of a guideline merely so I don't get overwhelmed, but seriously, the more love that is spread, the better. Schmoop baby schmoop!

health, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: r, valentines day

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