Today I officially signed up for Nanowrimo 2007!

Oct 03, 2007 10:54

I honestly can't remember HOW I did it last year, and my time is even more limited this year... but I'm in again. 30 days and 50,000 words, here I come.

Despite the previous poll results on my LJ, this year I'll be writing a... QaF Zombieverse. Yes. I know.

It will be cheesy and ridiculous. It was also (hopefully) be tons of fun to write. And since the whole point of Nanowrimo is to just write the damn novel and lock the internal editor into a small stuffy closet for 30 days, I'm gonna just go with the flow. (I'm sorry if this means some of you are disappointed or won't be interested in following along with the crack this November.)

BUT. I will still be writing a new post-513 story, because peggin won me in the "Sweet Charity" auction! And whichever option I didn't choose for Nano was the one she was choosing as her prize. Hee. (peggin, I will email you either tonight or tomorrow so we can discuss whatever-you-want-to-see in your custom fic.)

Meanwhile, this morning I went to Michael's Craft store. IT IS EXPENSIVE OMG. I was all "Oooh, look at these embel-- $8.99!!!!!" *drops package and scuttles away* Even the storage boxes are ridiculous. I finally got one only because I had to, my papers will be getting bendy soon if I didn't, but maaaaan. And the Tombow adhesive? $10.99!!!! I only bought one and plan to order a bunch of replacements online.

Scrapbooking is totally ruining my budget.

And now I am (finally!) off to bed!

creativity, nanowrimo 2007

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