It's Blogathon Time again! Wheeee!

Jul 05, 2007 19:22

Hello to my fabulous flist!

I've just signed up for Blogathon 2007! YAY. My blogathon blog is sev_4_blogathon, and the fun begins at 9am on Saturday July 28th!

Now I need your help.

BLOGATHON is a 24 hour online marathon, similar to a walk-a-thon or a dance-a-thon. Except in this case, the participant is staying up for 24 hours straight and making a blog post EVERY HALF HOUR... all to raise money for charity. My charity this year is the The Aids Committee of Toronto's Walk for Life -- because I'll also be doing their Walk-a-thon this year. Double the craziness, double the fun!

I need sponsors!

Please, check out the introductory post as sev_4_blogathon. Sponsoring me is very simple and all money is sent directly to the charity. Every little bit helps, no matter how big or how small your donation is. This will be my second year doing Blogathon and lemme tell ya, 2005 was CRAZY. I'm so looking forward to it!

This year I've even got sponsor prizes. YAY!

My theme for Blogathon 2007 is, of course, FAN FICTION. So on July 28th sev_4_blogathon will be filled with new fanfic. I NEED FANFIC REQUESTS. I NEED THEM RIGHT NOW. :)

Please please please head over to sev_4_blogathon where there is tons of information about how everything works. And then... sponsor me. Please. I can promise insanity, loads of new fanfic, music, fun... and I'm hoping for some other surprises as well.

And please feel free to pimp this out on your LJ's or communities. Spread the word!

Any questions or comments, just comment here or at sev_4_blogathon or send me an email. BOOYAH!



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