American Idol Top 3

May 15, 2007 21:09

This week each Idol sings three songs -- one picked by the judges, one picked by the producer, and one that they have chosen for themselves.

First song:
Jordin Sparks sings "Wishing On A Star" (chosen by Simon) - Hate the song. Her dress looks like lingerie. Um, okay. I thought it was too high for her -- not that she didn't hit the notes, she did, but it still didn't work for me. Also, very low energy which again, not entirely Jordin's fault, because the song was very bland itself, but she did nothing to rise above that. I think this was good, but it was nothing to make me jump out of my seat about.

Blake Lewis sings "Roxanne" (chosen by Paula) - I'm not entirely sure that I liked the way he very slightly changed the tempo, but I thought the vocal was very very good. It's so difficult when you're trying to do a song that's so identified with a particular person (it's HARDER than doing a song by a diva with range, judges) and I thought he stepped up to the plate admirably. And that little slide-on-knees thing at the end was dorkily silly.

Melinda Doolittle sings "I Believe In You and Me" - Wow, to me that sounded like Melinda is losing her voice. She was very warbly on the first verse, and doesn't seem to have any power behind it. The key seemed so low for her. And then that one high note toward the end was very screechy. I didn't like this at all -- I'd honestly call this her worst performance. (Also, have never heard the song before and thought it sucked.)

Second song:
Jordin Sparks sings "She Works Hard For The Money" (picked by the producers) -- There is just so much blah in Jordin tonight. That song needs attitude and Jordin gave it standing on the stage and sounding bored. Just. Doesn't. Work. The sound on my tv went out for the big glory note so I have no idea how she did with that. I'm completely sick of Jordin talking when the judges are commenting and her giggly thing when she doesn't even know what they're laughing about. She annoys me to hell.

Blake Lewis sings "This Love" (picked by the producers) -- Okay, Blake's "dancing" kills me dead. And not in a good way. That was... kind of horrible. I mean, I want to love it coz of little hobbit Blake, but the dancing and the vocal and the little beatbox in the middle and the mic flying toward the judges... just ugh. And also, kind of giggly.

Melinda Doolittle sings "Nutbush City Limits" (picked by the producers) -- Really good vocal, very strong, and Melinda does a good job of channelling Tina Turner's performance style. [shallow moment] Melinda's top makes her look fat. [/shallow moment]

Third song:
Jordin Sparks sings "I Who Have Nothing" -- Um, why are they already repeating songs they've already done? This is what they usually do on Top 2 night. *is confused* This song is my favourite of Jordin's. Vocal is spot on (again) and she really excels when she just focuses on the song and lets the emotion show on her face.

Blake Lewis sings (some song by Robin Thicke that I missed the title of) -- At first I was all *horrified face* and then I was all, UM YAY THIS IS FUN. Seriously, totally fun song, Blake looked like he loved doing it, he sounded good, and I totally want to hear this again. I can safely say this is the only song I'll probably remember from the night.

Melinda Doolittle sings "I'm A Woman" - Eh. This was also my favourite performance of Melinda's in the semi-finals, when I loved it, and tonight? Not so much. There seemed to be a lack of energy there and that song needed a lot more oomph.

General thoughts:
- Blake doing that big butt song in his homecoming footage? CRACKTASTIC.
- Jordin has a star in her local mall? Somebody call Tiffany.
- Why did Melinda and Jordin repeat songs they've already done for their third song, and Blake did a new one? I love Blake for not doing back to his 'best performance' to suck up for votes, and doing something different instead.

And I'm not even going to pick who's going home. I have no idea.

tv: american idol

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