Hello. I'm exhausted. But not too exhausted to talk about Sims and QaF.

May 13, 2007 01:40

Wow. Incredibly busy weekend.

Worked night shift Thursday. Sis and I took mom shopping/for lunch on Friday. Finally got to bed at 3pm and slept till 11pm. This of course meant that I was up all night.

Went back to bed at 7am Saturday morning, and got up at 10am. Out by noon to visit mom, but she wasn't feeling well so I left at 2pm. Went shopping for mother's day present/groceries/stuff I can't even remember right now, came home and had 2 hours free so I played Sims.

I almost forgot this even happened. I think I am trying to block it from my memory. So I have my characters, Kyle and Martin. And everything is going swimmingly. And then, somehow, I pushed a button that erected all the walls in my house (I normally play with them cut away.) And I couldn't get them down. And of course, that's when Kyle SETS THE HOUSE ON FIRE. I could see my little Sim People freaking out through the window, which made me panic more, and I kept hitting cut-away and the walls WOULD NOT COME DOWN. So Kyle is screaming, and Martin is screaming, and flames are pouring out, and I COULD NOT GET INTO THE HOUSE TO GET A SIM TO THE PHONE.

By the time I managed to get the walls down, the phone was, um, BURNT TO A CRISP. And Kyle was rapidly joining it. And I don't have a fire extinguisher. And the button to go into Buy Mode was GREYED OUT. ARGH. So the Grim Reaper showed up to kill Kyle, and then Martin caught on fire, and yeah, Kyle and Martin have both gone to the Great Sim Hereafter. *mourns*

So then I spent my final hour trying to build a house, and cursing a lot.

After that, Krystle came over and took 3 seconds to move the staircase that I had spent 15 minutes just trying to buy and put in. Then I shut down the game. Sims. Argh.

So after giving Krystle a quick tutorial on how to friend people and how to respond to comments, we watched Ep.209 to Ep.213 of QaF. I haven't watched these eps since I was writing for Gapfillerpalooza, and that's gotta be at least 2 years ago. Maybe 3?

  • Ep.209 is the ep that HOOKED ME on QaF. Ted's viagra boner - hee! Brian taking viagra - yum! Joanie and Rev. Tom and Justin's adorable little double-shot-of-Beam dance. I LOVE THIS EP.
  • At one point, when Ted wasn't even on the screen, I heard Krystle say very very softly but with great venom: "I hate Ted." It was hilarious.
  • The lesbians wedding ep brought back a LOT of Lindsay hate that I'd forgotten I even had. I literally started ranting during her talk with Brian and had to reel myself in. Also, Gale's non-verbal acting in that scene kills me dead.
  • Brian playing fireman never gets old.
  • Krystle started talking to the TV during the 'Justin lets Sap blow him' part. It was all "Oh, don't do it. Don't you do it! Justin. *resigned voice* Oh Justin, no." This continued during Justin's scene with Brian: "He's not stupid, Justin."
  • Krystle loves Ben. A lot.

    I was going to try to do some writing tonight, but I'm too damned tired. Tomorrow I'll be out all day at my sister's for a barbeque for Mother's Day, and then I have to work. Two days off is just not long enough.
  • games: the sims, family, krystle, tv: queer as folk, mom

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