Happy St Paddy's Day updatey post

Mar 17, 2007 23:24

Happy St Paddy's! No green beer today for me, it was many hours of nursing home madness instead. There was entertainment scheduled for the morning... and the guy didn't show up. Which meant that my sisters and I led the residents in karaoke versions of Irish tunes like "Danny Boy" and "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling". Have I mentioned that we can't sing? Yeah.

Then in the afternoon there was bingo. I always joke that if my sister Margie is there, she jinxes me. And I didn't have anything green, so one of the residents got me one of the large 'bibs' that they have for the residents, because it was green and blue. So I put in on backwards so that it was a cape. I was Bingo Woman! Bingo Woman! could not be jinxed. (And hey, I won a bag of chips. Hee.)

What else? Hmmm.

Leg is fine.

I'm going to see FIDO tomorrow. Domesticated zombies, whee!

I've been spoiled lately. I got another virtual gift from rebeccama that I keep forgetting to acknowledge -- thank you for thinking of me! And I was gifted anonymously with 2 months of paid LJ time, yay! And one of my drivers brought me back a bottle of wine from his vacation in Argentina. How cool is that? It's La Puerta and it's from the valley where his family is from, and it's apparently won an award. Unfortunately I'm not a big wine drinker, but I plan to bring it to the next family dinner and we can all have a glass. :)

I should do a book update for 50bookchallenge but I don't have my books next to me. So I guess I'll do that later. I think I'm up to about book 18. :)

Soooo tired right now. I want to write, but I think it'd all be gobbledygook.

zombies, friends, nursing home

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