The Amazing Race

Mar 11, 2007 21:43

*sniffles* Bye-bye, Rob and Amber.

Okay, they were eliminated due to their own mistakes. Rob was the only one who knew Magellan started his journey in Seville, but he spelled Philippines wrong! And then said 'I hope it's not a spelling thing'... AND DIDN'T DOUBLE CHECK HIS SPELLING. And then when Amber wanted to move on, he kept dilly-dallying. Also, the Beauty Queens mentioned in their interview that they tend to overthink things and that puts them behind, and that's exactly what Rob and Amber did this leg. Instead of just following their compass, Rob decided that he knew the address where they were going... which was wrong.

The only thing I didn't like about the elimination was that it was based on a luck task. Pure luck as to who can find their envelope the fastest. I'd much rather have seen a skill task at that point of the race.

How cool were those letters? Though honestly, it would be so hard as a racer to read hate mail as you're heading to the mat! Still though, a former race to Mirna: "You say you speak five languages, but you can't even speak English!" -- HEE!

Speaking of Mirna, is it wrong that I want her to fall and break a hip or something? Because seriously, her 'woe is me, everyone is against me and I have to do everything for my team' attitude is making me pull my hair out. (My sister: "If I was Charla, I'd have said 'You see this pole? It's going UP YOUR ASS'.") Charla isn't much better, mind. (My niece: "Next week, I want that rat to eat her.")

And Oswald and Danny came in first! *squeeeee* I love them so much, with their flowers and their adorable green scarf and their consistently positive happy attitudes. YAY!

tv: amazing race

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