It's fun to be a QaF fan.

Mar 10, 2007 19:06

I sat down to watch one teeny part of Ep.510 this afternoon in order to confirm something, and ended up watching 3 episodes. This is why I rarely watch my QaF DVDs... when I do, I am a slave to them for days. It's killin' me not to put 513 in right freaking now. Also, Britin does already have a swimming pool. So yeah, just ignore that whole let's-get-a-pool part of 'Coming Home'. :p

Then I went to rewatch tamalinn's vid for I Can't Decide -- no longer able to view this. I am not a huge fan of fanvids (unless your name is bea_nonymous) but this one is so incredibly good and fun and uses the best clips and the song is addictive, so I had to watch it again. And that resulted in me watching every vid I have saved, which is about a dozen of them. Including, as it turns out, about four more of tamalinn's. So seriously, check out "I Can't Decide" and then check out "I Touch Myself" and "Striptease" while you're there. "Striptease" gets better to me each time I watch it!

Also, tamalinn, if you are reading? I need the song, stat. You are going to turn me into a Hawksley fan yet. ;) Nevermind, peggin is faaaast.

So I had plans for today. And those plans turned into squeeing over QaF and the creativity of fandom. Life good.

ETA: Go vote for Brian and Justin in PlanetOut's Favourite TV Couple Poll! Thanks to msjudi for the heads up!

fanvid recs

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