Rambly life stuff

Jan 15, 2007 08:46

Went to see "Freedom Writers" on Saturday. It's quite good -- Hilary Swank does perkily idealistic well, the young actors held their own, and it was surprisingly funny. I was told by various people that it was a real tearjerker and to bring tons of Kleenex, etc, and... No. I did get teary-eyed at one point but I was never in danger of sobbing uncontrollably or anything.

Oh. And the guy who is "Dr. McDreamy" is in it. I have never known who that guy is when people refer to him on my flist. Anyway, soooooo not dreamy. What is up with that HAIR? There is like mounds of hair everywhere... that man needs a new stylist. YICK.

Then we went to Philthy's for drinks. It was originally going to be one drink, but it became four... and then only because I kind of nagged my niece Krystle to have another drink. Krystle is 21; I should not have to nag her. What are kids coming to these days? Anyway. I don't drink much, like one drink once a month at dinner with my friends... but the last time I was out drinking-drinking, my tolerance level was still massively high -- a leftover from my youth when I was a lush. But THIS time... I was probably more than tipsy. Another two beers and I think I would have been well and truly drunk. How... strange.

My sister also called Krystle's cell phone twice while we were out -- there was a DJ in the bar so we couldn't hear it ring; Krystle checked the messages when we were leaving. Things like "I thought you were going for ONE drink, where are you?" HMPH. I made Krystle call my sister back:

Me: Do you think I'm not going to take care of your daughter?
Sister: Yes.

HMPH. Okay, so when I was young I may have possibly drank more than I should, and there may have been times when I had to call my sister/brother-in-law to come get me in the middle of the night. And maybe they remember stories of Toronto debauchery -- though I don't think I've ever shared the really bad stuff. But that was YEARS AGO, man. My niece is 21. I would definitely take care of her. Honestly. :p

It is freezing rain/snow horribleness here. Schools are cancelled and the streets are like a very choppy ice-rink. I, however, did NOT fall on the way home from work. Wheee! My goal is to actually go two years in a row without a wipe-out. Heh.

And Simon mentions "American Idol" (which starts tomorrow, whooo!) in his latest column, which made me happy. Simon and Randy totally watch AI... you know they do. And they criticize the singers and Randy knows he could kick all their asses.

Also, I am loving all the Gale-fangirl reports. What are we going to do when SLS ends its run? I NEED A DAILY GALE-FIX, DAMNIT.

actor: randy harrison, winter, actor: gale harold, weather omg, krystle, movie: freedom writers

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