Oct 31, 2006 17:53
Okay, so Nanowrimo begins in 6 hours.
You know how annoying it is when somebody posts a story and in the Authors Notes they say something like: "This is un-beta-ed and probably it sucks but omg please read"?? Coz yeah, WHY WOULD I READ A STORY THAT THE AUTHOR ADMITS IS SUCKTASTIC?
Well. This is now the part where I put up a similar warning. Heh.
The point of Nano is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I am writing B/J fic. And planning to post it as I go.
Okay, you got the part where it's FIFTY THOUSAND WORDS in ONE LITTLE TEENY MONTH, right?
So. That's a lot of writing in a very small timeframe. And because of that, there's no time to edit. Well, very little time, because try as I might I can't imagine locking up my internal editor completely.
So this is your warning: if you're planning to read along as I go, there may be Bad Things. Random POV or tense switches. The same word used 8 times in a paragraph. Schmoopiness that will put you into a diabetic coma. Oh yeah, and no plot. That sort of thing.
Maybe none of those things will occur (well, except the schmoopiness part... coz come on, it's me we're talking about.) But they might. And you should know that going in.
[/end warning]
I'm planning 15 chapters (as much as I have planned, which is mostly looking at my little notecards that I thought would be so helpful and thinking they are really pretty.) I'll post each chapter as I complete it. So if things go to plan (again with the hee!) that will be one chapter every couple of days.
All right. Now I need to sleep before work. I don't think the 3 hours I got this morning is going to cut it. Heh.
nanowrimo 2006