This week's Vanished

Sep 26, 2006 08:36

Seriously. The thing I took most from this episode? That Gale is hot. REALLY REALLY HOT. I am pretty sure I drooled during this week's ep. How can one concentrate on niddly things like plot when Gale looks so damn pretty? It is impossible.

I really don't care about Sarah. The writing makes everyone look so incredibly dumb. You know, like nobody notices that the Buttoned Down Professor totally recognizes the G symbol? There were a couple of other instances like that but I've already forgotten them. Not to mention everyone and their dog doing the "I think I should tell you... oh, nevermind" thing. Oh, the suspense.

But... Gale - so hot.

The one fun thing I like about this show is that I am starting to suspect everyone. I mean, when Mei was all "Agent Kelton is busy" I'm going "Oh, IS HE REALLY?"... and she showed Judy the reconstructed skull image, and then Judy's all "HAH I KNEW IT" and leaves and Mei kinda gives this look back at the image... yeah, I'm at the point where I suspect Mei. Only Judy and Kelton are above my suspicion. Hee.

So I loved the scene with Gale and Judy in the bar. THIS IS WHAT THEY SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON IN THE SHOW. Gale is soooo amazing when he can just RELATE to other people... make eye contact, talk. Not shouting orders, not twisting arms, not running around in bad SWAT team uniforms. Gale excels at subtlety. LET HIM DO WHAT HE DOES BEST.

So. Gale is getting hotter every week. I eagerly anticipate seeing what level of Hotness he reaches in Episode 7. I may spontaneously combust.


actor: gale harold, tv: vanished

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