Vanished... and some meme-age

Aug 22, 2006 21:21

Just got online and wow, tons of Vanished posts. Good to know that the Gale fans came out in droves to watch. I am... not overly impressed with the show. But I am not usually overly impressed with anything that's on regular network TV, which is why I don't watch much of it. I spoke to Amy, who loves those crime procedurals like CSI and those season long mysteries like Lost, and she LOVED Vanished. So maybe it's just me.

Also, once there's more clues and character background and stuff, maybe I will love it. *hopes*

And now...
1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Visa. "Man, did I really need those books?" The answer, of course, is a resounding Yes. Still, paying for them sucks.

2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
I don't do romantic dinners. Unless you think McDonalds is romantic. In which case, we should totally get married.

3. Last time you puked from drinking?
About... 4 years ago? After a night of beer, broken down golf carts, and dancing with miachen.

4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
Have never danced ON a bar.

5. Name of your first grade teacher?
Miss Dunne. (Wow, I really had to think about that one.)

6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Playing Urban Dead. (What? There are tons of people that need healing, and Lindsay killed a zombie, and...)

7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A singer. The fact that I cannot sing at all did not dampen my enthusiasm.

8. How many colleges did you attend?
Zero colleges. Also, zero universities.

9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
I put on PJ's when I got up... still haven't showered to get ready for work. My PJ's are totally cute, though.

10. GAS PRICES! First thought?
I do not have a car so HAH!

11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you...
I would not. I need to be close to the fam. However, if that anywhere was "a deserted island" and that someone was "Gale Harold", I might consider it. :p

12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
No alarm. I've just been letting myself wake up naturally, coz I'm sick. Also, Cassie has started to attempt to munch on the new lampshades, so that tends to wake me up. *sigh*

13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
I remember mentally reviewing the Vanished ep in order to try to find clues, because I was trying to "think of something else" so that I could avoid thinking about how my chest hurt/I needed to take deep breaths, coz that normally works. And it must have, because I fell asleep.

14. Favorite style of underwear?
Um. I don't know what they are called.

15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?
And again, I don't know what they're called.

16. What errand/chore do you despise?
Mopping the floor. Hate it with a passion. Which explains why I rarely do it.

17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery?
Since I know absolutely nothing about art, that would be a big NO.

18. Get up early or sleep in?
Generally sleep in. I seem to need a LOT of sleep these days.

19. What is your favorite cartoon character?
Um. *ponders* I haven't watched cartoons in years. Um. Oh. Maybe Sylvester The Cat's son. The one who was always criticizing Sylvester for his inability to catch the kangaroo. "Oh, father."

20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?
Dancing. That's not sexual, right? *shifty eyes*

21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
If it's a SECRET, there's a reason it's a secret. *sigh*

22. How many joints pop when you get out of bed in the morning?
None. Yet.

23. What is the biggest amount of $$ you have made from a yardsale?
The nursing home yard sale just made OVER $900.00!! Woooo!

24. Your favorite lunch meat?
Low-Fat ham (must be low-fat, regular ham is just gross).

25. What do you get every time you go into a WAWA?
What the hell is a WAWA?

26. Beach or lake?

27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who
died at 20?
Uh. No.

28. Who do you stalk on MySpace?
Okay, so how did this question end up on here? MySpace is evil. I would, however, stalk negativeerin on LJ at any time. :p

29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
America Idol. Yes, I will be buying Taylor's album. Now, if Bucky could only get a record deal...

30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?
Gah, I'm not embarassed about stuff like that. How about To Die For 2: Son of Darkness? It features Michael Praed (OMG HOT), a half-vampire baby, and some cheesy overacting by a soap star. It's GOLD, baby.

31. What's your drink?
Daiquiries. Oh yes.

32. Cowboys or Indians?

33. Cops or Robbers?
Mmmm... robbers.

34. Do you cheer for the bad guy?
Yup, usually. (Or at least, the anti-hero.)

35. What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best?
No-one. But when I was younger, I totally looked like the girl that played Michelle on Eastenders.

36. If you had to pick one, which cast member of "Lost" would you be?
Cast member or character? Coz if it's character, kickass Ana-Lucia. Cast member... no idea.

37. What do you want when you are sick?
To be left alone.

38. Who from high school would you like to run into?
Absolutely no-one.

39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
No car. At home I listen to CD's or my computer playlist. At work I like to listen to K-Lite FM because it is light soothing music and also because I am old. :p

42. Norm or Cliff?
*shouts* NORM!

43. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?
Both suck.

44. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
Well, I wouldn't have chosen a busy Toronto street for a break-up scene. Does that count?

45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
I face a partition. Heh.

46. If you could get away with it, who would you kill?
I would not kill anyone. I would just maim them. Hee.

47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
No-one, because I would just splutter and giggle and make a fool of myself.

48. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
C'mon. You know the answer to this one.

49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
Absolutely not.

50. Last book you read for real?
For real? As opposed to the last book I pretended to read? It was "Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke"

51. Do you have a teddy bear?
Yes. His name is Teddy and I've had him since I was 2 weeks old. He has almost no fur left. *loves Teddy*

52. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
The kitchen sink. I guess I am not very strange.

53. Somewhere in California you want to go but haven't been?
San Francisco. *eyes Jo*

54. Number of texts in a day?
Probably about 10.

55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or

56. Do you go to church?
Nope. I am atheist.

57. Pencil or pen?
Pencil. Better for fic writing. :)

58. bueller??? bueller??? bueller?

59. How many jobs have you had?
Hmm. Let's see. Telemarketer. Cashier x 2. Stand Manager at arena. Money Mart manager. Calltaker. Wow, only 6. I am Miss Stability.

60. What do you want to achieve in life?
To give back as much happiness as I get. :)

You know in Escape From New York, when the crazies are out of food and they are tapping on the sewer grates just prior to their swarm on Snake and Season Hubley? THAT is the noise that I'm hearing outside.

It's creeping me out.

actor: gale harold, tv: vanished, movie: escape from new york, meme

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