Putting in time...

Aug 19, 2006 09:16

Yesterday, my dentist made me cry. Okay, so I am a wuss, but still.

My sleeping pattern is all messed up because I went to dentist after night shift, then napped, then stayed awake, then napped, etc. So I have now been awake since 3am and up and about since 4am. Well. Cleaned rug (by hand since vacuum broke) and organized linen closet again and found homes for everything that was stuck on the old bureau and now I am tired. Except Amy and Jen will be here shortly because we are going shopping so that Amy can buy everything she needs for her first ever apartment. Helping other people spend lots of money is always fun.

23. Autumn: Purification by David Moody
Hm. The zombie trilogy comes to a reasonably satisfying conclusion. One of the things I liked about this trilogy was that it attempted to treat the zombies deteriorating condition realistically... er, well, as much as you can be realistic when dealing with shambling corpses.
287 pages.

24. Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke by Patty Duke with Kenneth Turan
Chronicles Patty's youth as a child star, her stint on Broadway as Helen Keller, The Patty Duke Show, and her often crazed behaviour that was diagnosed as manic/depression in the early '80's. You can never tell with autobiographies, but this felt like Patty's real voice, if that makes sense. She takes responsibility for her actions even when manic. Occasionally comes off sounding pompous, occasionally brittle, and occasionally kind. Real.
298 pages.

Book Count: 24 of 50
Page Count: 7,842 of 15,000

health, author: p, reading challenge: 15000pages, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: d

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