Blogging and Painting and Craziness, oh my!

Jul 16, 2006 11:34

A week's worth of rambles.

1. Is anyone doing Blogathon this year?? Unfortunately, the date this year is the same day as the Annual Yard Sale at the nursing home (which I volunteer at) as well as the second Lt. Dan Band show that I'm going to (which is 2.5 hours away.) I was at the Blogathon site yesterday and everyone is making plans, and I sooooo wanted to do it again this year coz I had such a blast last year. I know twistinside82 was considering it again... anyone else??

2. Also, I should mention that all my Blogathon fic from last year is still over at sev_4_blogathon. There were 6 or 7 stories, a tongue-in-cheek RPS, and about 15 drabbles. I should move it over here, or link to it in my memories or something. *adds that to To-Do List*

3. So today I am finally finishing up the painting of the primer (a new gallon) in the bedroom. I'm not too careful with my hands when I paint coz I figure I can just wash up afterwards. Except... this primer does not wash off with soap. ACK. I managed to get some off, but only by scrubbing myself nearly raw. I have no turpentine or paint thinner in the house. Anyone have any ideas?

I should never be allowed to do any home reno project by myself ever.

4. Last week at work (taxi company) I had a visiting American ask me how much it cost to get to the airport. After walking her through the call (there's different airports, she didn't know where she was, etc.) I told her the price was $75. After explaining that this meant $75 CANADIAN dollars, she wanted to know the exchange. When I told her I didn't know (you know, this being CANADA and us strangely expecting people to pay in, oh, OUR CURRENCY) she then asked why I didn't know the difference between Canadian money and REAL money.

This is why Americans get such a bad rep, people.

5. I really need to start writing. I joined ficalbum a freaking month ago. Time gets away from me, man.

6. Urban Dead continues to be addictive. It's a good thing you're only allowed 50 moves per day per player or I'd be on that thing 24/7. I sent Drew to hang around the NecroTech building and a kind scientist revived him. So he's now back to fighting zombies. Ted, of all people, is proving to be my best character. He's at Level 2, has acquired an extra skill and I just sent him to a hospital to try to find first aid kits for himself and another player. Michael, who I created as a zombie, was revived (!) and is actually doing quite well. And Lindsay just can't get revived no matter what she does.

I think my character profiles are pretty cute. What they say changes depending on whether the character is a human or a zombie.

Drew Boyd Urban Dead character profile
Michael Novotny Urban Dead character profile
Ted Schmidt Urban Dead character profile

zombies, comm: ficalbum, blogathon, work, games: urban dead, apartment

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